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    "Oh you poor thing, you must be starving!"

    Prompto made no movement. He didn't even look at the food Ardyn had brought him. He just sat on the ground and stared at the floor.

    "If you don't eat, you'll be nothing but bones by the time your prince comes to save you. He'll have come all this way and gone through all of this work for nothing! You don't want that now, do you?"

    When the blonde still refused to move, Ardyn got annoyed.

    "Did you die on me already?"

    Prompto moved only to shake his head no. He continued to stare at the floor in silence.


    The blonde's head snapped up as he heard Noct's familiar voice. The Raven haired male stepped into his cell, which he had somehow opened.

    "Noct..." Prompto whispered, his throat parched.

    "Eat this."

    Noct handed him some bread and a water bottle, both of which the blonde set to the side. He stood up on shaky legs, hugging Noct. 

    But he realized this wasn't Noct.

    And he looked up only to stare into Ardyn's dark eyes.

    Prompto stumbled back and tried to scream, but could not. He was so thirsty...

    Ardyn frowned and took a swig of the water and lifted the blonde to his feet. Their lips connected and Prompto could feel the liquid slide down his parched throat. He fell to the ground as Ardyn let go.

    "Now, are you going to eat, or will I have to force you?"

    Prompto shook his head and took the food, feeling sick.

    He waited until Ardyn left the room to throw up.

    That bastard had kissed him. Prompto felt disgusting.

    When he finished throwing up, he sat back in his corner.

    "I want to ride my chocobo all day..." 

    He began to sing to himself, feeling himself drift off into sleep. The sound of boots coming toward him didn't matter.

    When he woke up, his body hurt. He was strapped to this strange stand. Blood was pooling below him.

    Noct was crying. The raven was just outside of his cell, along with Ignis and Gladio.

    "N...oct...." Prompto could barely speak.

    They all immediately stared at the blonde in the cell.

    "Oh my god, he's alive." Noct whispered, a smile adorning his tear covered face.

    As soon as the door was opened, Prompto's restraints were released. He fell into the blood, soaking his clothes further. He honestly didn't care. Noct was here. Ignis and Gladio were here. He was safe. 

    But he had to tell them. 

    Noct carried Prompto to the closest bed available, Ignis got to work on healing his wounds almost immediately.

    The blonde was still in pain. None of them were fit to heal him, and were almost out of potions.

    He didn't care. They needed to know.

    He ate, then went to bed with everyone else. But he couldn't sleep.

    A monster like him needed to be locked up.

    He made his way back to the cell, his left over wounds throbbing with every step.

    The blonde didn't even make it to the hallway 

    He collapsed in a small ball on the floor, 10 feet from the door. They were all sleeping in there. They were safe from him. Safe from the monster.

    "I want... to ride... my... chocobo... all day..."

    He couldn't help but smile. He always did like chocobos.

    Ignis found him passed out in the hallway the next morning.

    Prompto knew he had to tell them.

    He didn't want to.

    If it weren't for that door, he wouldn't have.

    But if it weren't for that door, he would've never been happy again.

Chocobos - A Final Fantasy XV FanficWhere stories live. Discover now