Chapter Twelve - Recovery

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Harry’s POV
3 weeks. That’s how long Louis’ has been in his coma, 3 whole weeks. The doctor said that it was normal can could take a few weeks to a few months before he could wake up. I was starting to worry even more now, I can’t watch him lying there for months. These 3 weeks were hard enough.
“Honey, are you ok?” Mum asked grabbing my shoulder.
“Yeah, are you ready to go already?” I asked back turning to face her. She was staying over to help me look after the kids. Her Gem, Jay and Dad all took turns, which I appreciated. Although I was starting to feel useless in my own home.
“Yeah sweetheart. The twins are ready for bed and Julie and Alfie are watching TV in the living room. Are you sure it’s ok for me to leave? I can stay longer if you want me too.” She questioned.
“Mum it’s fine really. Robin’s probably missing you anyway. I’ll be fine for the night honest. I’ll tuck the girls in and go and watch TV with Alfie and Julie, put them to bed and then go and lie down.” I smiled getting up.
“Take it easy though Harry. Don’t stress yourself out too much, your father called and said he’s staying for a week.” She explained as I walked her to the door.
“A whole week with judgemental Dad, oh joy!” I said sarcastically.
“Harry he’s only here to help you, try and get along please.” She said seriously.
“Why you never did?” I muttered.
“I’m going to pretend I have an adult son and I never heard that. Goodnight, I love you.” I smiled kissing my cheek.
“Love you too mum, night.” I waved as she went and hopped into her car, before driving off. I sighed loudly and made my way to the twins’ room. They were already half asleep while waiting for me.
“Daddy.” Anne smiled while Darcy yawned.
“Hi lovelies. Sorry I’m so late, Daddy had to say goodbye to Grandma Anne.” I smiled back.
“Grandma said Grandpa Des is coming tomorrow. Is that right Daddy?” Darcy asked.
“It sure is. He’s going to stay for a whole week. Maybe if you’re lucky he might even bring you a present.” I smiled again.
“Wow!” They both grinned.
“What sort of present?” Anna asked.
“I dunno baby, but for now you two need to sleep so you have loads of energy to play with Grandpa tomorrow.”
“Ok Daddy.” They both nodded.
“Goodnight my babies. I love you so much.” I said kissing each of their heads.
“Goodnight Daddy. Goodnight Daddy Lou, I love you.” Anna said quietly. I smiled once more before walking out and closing the door halfway. I wandered back downstairs and went to find Julie and Alfie in the living room, watching old iCarly reruns on Nickelodeon.
“Hey guys.” I smiled sitting down next to them.
“Hi Dad.” Alfie smiled back.
“How you going?” Juliet asked turning away from the TV.
“Good, how about you guys? You holding up ok?” I asked back seriously.
“I don’t want to go to school tomorrow Dad, it won’t be the same starting a new year without Dad there.” She said quietly.
“I know it won’t honey but you know Dad will be there, just not physically.”
“When is he going to wake up?” Alfie asked softly.
“Soon buddy, he’ll wake up soon don’t worry.” I smiled ruffling his hair.
“I heard Grandma say to Grandpa that she think she might not wake up for ages. Does that mean he could die?” Julie questioned seriously.
“Honey the doctors said that he won’t die, I promise he won’t.” I soothed.
“You promised we would be happy too Daddy, but we aren’t.” Alfie mumbled.
“I know Alfie. I’m sorry guys, we all miss Daddy but he’ll wake up soon and come home. Then things will be back to normal and we’ll all be happy yeah?” I nodded. “He’s going to be fine.”
“Dad, don’t cry.” Julie said crawling over to me.
“What?” I sniffled. I didn’t even know I was crying.
“We’re all upset about Daddy, we all miss him too. Can we go and see him after school tomorrow?” She asked hugging me tightly.
“Of course baby girl. I’m sorry you two have to see me cry.” I blushed.
“Don’t be silly Daddy. You see us cry all the time!” Alfie laughed. “Anyway I wanna go to bed now.” He yawned getting up.
“I’ll tuck you in love.” I smiled getting up. Juliet followed as we went back upstairs.
“Goodnight Daddy, night Julie.” He smiled snuggling into his doona.
“Night little bro.” She laughed kissing his forehead. I almost awed at how adorable it was.
“Night buddy. Try and sleep well, it’s a big day tomorrow, year 1.” I smiled kissing his cheek.
“I’m a bit scared Daddy.” He mumbled.
“There’s nothing to be scared about Alfie, you like school don’t you?” I asked sitting beside him on the bed.
“Yeah.” He nodded.
“Then you’ll be fine. Year 1 is just the same as kindy, you’re just more grown up. I remember I was scared on my first day and so was Julie but we’re ok. All your friends will be there, Izzie? She’ll be there.” I smiled. “You’ll have loads of fun.”
“You think?” He asked.
“I know you will, and then when you get home we’ll go and see Daddy yeah?”
“Yeah.” He smiled and nodded.
“Alright buddy. Go to sleep ok? Sweet dreams.” I smiled kissing his head.
“Night Daddy.” He yawned closing his eyes. I smiled again and went left quietly. I then wandered to Juliet’s room only to find she wasn’t there.
“Julie? Where are you love?” I said quietly.
“Can I sleep with you Dad?” She asked from behind me, she already had her pillow and teddy bear, yes she slept with a bear. Big deal! “I promise I won’t move or kick you or your tummy. I just don’t want to sleep all by myself Daddy.” She said quietly.
“Of course you can baby girl, but I snore.” I laughed.
“I don’t mind Dad.” She giggled.
“You have something to do first don’t you?” I asked.
“What?” She questioned.
“Brush your teeth? Grandma told me you got out of it.” I smirked.
“Oh, that.” She mumbled looking at her feet.
“Go on love. I’ll get everything ready ok?” She nodded and handed me her things before running off towards the bathroom. It’ll be nice to have someone there tonight, even if it isn’t Louis. I went and pulled my bed back ready to hop in and put Julie’s pillow and bear on Louis’ side. I changed out of my jeans into some sweatpants and changed t-shirts too.
“I’m ready Dad.” Julie smiled skipping back in.
“Ok honey.” I smiled sitting on the bed. I groaned and she stopped in her tracks.
“Are you ok?” She asked seriously.
“I’m fine Julie, my back is just sore.” I answered with a small, slightly forced smile.
“Maybe I should sleep by myself.” She mumbled.
“Sweetie it’s ok. I have special medicine to take for it. C’mon.” I smiled. She climbed up onto the bed and snuggled into the covers.
“It smells like Daddy.” She giggled. I have to admit she made me all teary, I really missed Louis. I can’t wait for him to wake up and come home. Just hearing his voice would make me happy. “Are you sad Dad?” Julie asked quietly.
“Your eyes are all teary, I wish Daddy was home.” She sighed.
“Me too princess.” I sighed too. “But he’ll be back soon, don’t worry.” I smiled. “Now you better get some sleep, it’s a big day tomorrow.” I chuckled.
“Night Dad, night Jakey, night Daddy.” She rambled ending with a small giggle.
“I love you Julie, don’t you ever forget that ok?” I said seriously.
“I won’t Dad. I love you too.” She smiled kissing my cheek before turning over and cuddling her bear. I sighed and shuffled down the bed a bit and rolled over. I started to rub my stomach, like Louis would do when we try to sleep. Jacob kicked me softly and I smiled.
“Night little one. I love you too.” I whispered before drifting off to sleep.

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