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"It's not working," Swara said keeping her lips in a thin line and glaring at her husband. He immediately stopped making funny faces, which is something he has been doing for past half an hour to make her laugh.

"Ouch, that hurts." Sanskar gasped dramatically clutching his chest with his hand. Swara rolled her eyes and looked up staring at the ceiling. She tried to cool down her anger but she was definitely failing. As she thought about the situation more, she realized that there's no need for her to calm down. She had the perfect right to be angry, after all the things that happened.

"Swara, I'm sorry." He said and a hair dryer was thrown at his head in response. It hitter him and the spot turned red.

"Okay, I deserved that. Now please stop ignoring me."

"I'm not ignoring you. I'm angry at you." She hissed.

"Then stop being angry with me." He begged.

He was met with silence as Swara sulked all over the room.

He saw her face changing dramatically. Anger, disappointment, sadness, anger, bitterness repeating all over.


"If you don't shut up, I swear I will do something I will regret." She warned her contracting with anger.

"No Swara I am not going to shut up. Don't be so stubborn. I told you I'm sorry," Sanskar pouted holding his ears making him look like cute innocent puppy but she knew better, to not fall for it.

"You should have felt sorry before eating up Daisy's face." Swara said bitterly, her face flushing with anger.

"Eew, I was note eating her face and it really sounds disgusting Swara. I know she was flirting a little lot but it is not bad as you are saying."

"Of course you will say that. Because you were enjoying it, isn't it?" She said dryly jealousy dripping in her tone.

"Come on Swara. You know I was irritated. I was searching for a way to escape and you storming away leaving me with that fucking devil in heels alone didn't help at all. If someone has to be angry, then it's supposed to me." He said playfully trying to loosen up the situation. But he didn't know it would just make everything worse.

"Oh! So you are blaming me now huh," She said shaking her head like she can't believe it. "Blaming me. Fine! You can go back to her. What are still doing in here? Precious Daisy would be waiting for you. And don't worry I would be out of here by the time you come back."

Sanskar gasped at this statement. Anger rushing inside him. He clenched his fist starting to bite down the anger.

"Shut up Swara." He snapped.

"No, I won't. Now you are bored of me, aren't you? I would just leave you to it. I would go-"

"Don't ever say about leaving me again Swara." Sanskar sighed pulling Swara towards him and looked straight in her eye with a hurt expression. "Ever"

Swara nodded at him fastly as she could. They have been separated too many times that even the mention of it was heart sinking.

She knew she was overreacting. He was completely innocent in this matter. It was that fucking bitch. Swara felt like ripping her head off when she saw that smug grin on her face. If she has to be angry with anyone it was on her not Sanskar.

"I'm sorry Sanskar. I was-" She broke down into a pool of tears feeling ashamed of what she said. She felt Sanskar's arms tightening around her.

"It's okay. I know you don't mean it." Sanskar whispered in her ears rocking her back and forth. "It's okay."

He held her as she cried her heart out and soon it started to die down and she choked of not breathing and started to cough. She pulled away from him and coughed with her one hand on her hip and the other on her chest. Sanskar shook his head at his wife.

"How many times I have told you?" Sanskar moved her hand from her chest with his hand and he pushed up her chin with the other and all at once she stopped choking. "You will never learn."

"Why do I have to learn when my husband is here with me always?" She asked smiling sheepishly.

"Or it is that you like your husband touching you." He smirked trailing his hands to her lower abdomen.

"Sanskar." Swara scolded swatting his arms.

"What?" Sanskar asked grinning. "I was talking about touching your face. You are the one who's having dirty thoughts."

Swara blushed like a tomato and turned away fiddling out of his grasp. She tried to run away in embarrassment but he got hold of her hand and he pulled her back. She fell on his chest and he immediately wrapped his arms around her, caging her. He rested his chin on her shoulder. They stood in that position for a few minutes embracing the silence until Sanskar decided to break it.

"You know one thing Swara?"


"You are turning into a jealous wife suspecting on her husband like those ones in the soap operas Uttara watches." Sanskar said and ran away leaving a very flustered Swara alone.

"You, come back here. " Swara yelled and ran after him.


I hope you all like this one. I know it's short but I think it best short and sweet.

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