Chapter 1

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"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."

― Apple 🍎

Chapter 1:

Paige's POV


I woke up to the constant beeping of my alarm clock, or as I like to call it the morning bitch. Yes. I Am totally aware how ridiculous that sounds but if you don't like it better stop reading.JK. Please don't. We'll anyways where was I?

I sighed and stood up on my floor mat causing my alarm to shut off. Today was the day I was headed back home for school. It's almost September and we spent the summer in America so we would get home just in time for school to start. Perfect! Notice that's sarcasm. I hate school. Everyone there is either bitches, sluts, or straight up asses. Sorry for my language, if my mom could see this she would wash my face out with soap... Yeah. She doesn't let my cuss even though I'm almost 17. It's and I quote 'unladylike'. Whatever thats supposed to mean. I only have 2 Friends in school really. That is my best friend Carla and my other best-friend jakey-poo. Okay, his name is jake but I call him jakey-poo to get on his last nerves just because I'm so nice like that.

I pranced to my dresser and opened it up. Hmmm, what was I gonna wear? I hear it's pretty cold in London right now (like always) so I just slipped on some blue jeans. Then for a top I settled for a Peter Pan top with a sparkly pink collar and over that slipped on I cream knit sweater with black hearts. I slipped on my heeled sneakers and walked to my bathroom. In there I settled for some mascara and eyeliner since I was only going to the airport not a fashion show. I put on my brown contacts so they would cover my blue eyes. I Absolutely hated my blue eyes! That's why I wear brown contacts. I Decided just to put my sleek black hair in a high ponytail and let it's flow out the back naturally.

I grabbed my suitcases and walked down the stairs where is saw my mom, dad, and my brother Luke looking bored as fuck. Jeez, who shoved a stick up their asses, shouldn't they be happy they are about to go back home. But now they are in a bore state as always. "Come on Paige Were gonna be late we have 10 minutes to get to the airport" My brother screeched while running back and forth. My eyes widened. HOLY shit how long did I take getting ready! "You can eat In the car Page lets go." Mom stated calmly, but I knew on the inside she was flipping. I ran out the door with my 3 real heavy suitcases and met my family at the car. "Thanks for all the flipping help with my suitcases. I was working my ass off while you sit here chatting about..... BOY-BANDS??"

Mom sighed and shook her head. "Honey, calm down. We were chatting about those hot boys I'm one direction" my mom said. "That Harry one sure is a babe" she added with a playful wink. I cringed. "MOM! Your 48 and he is like 20!" I said disgusted. "Teen Scope Magazine Says he dates older women" she stated proudly. "Ok then.... Let's get going" Dad said.

Once we got In the airport I ran over to the security center checking thing and put my bag on the conveyer belt. "Bye Bye Belongings, see you in London" I Cried. Everyone looked my way like I was some crazy cat lady. "Go back to your own lives" I yelled. Everyone Suddenly turned Around. I Heard 5 laughs from behind me. I Turned around to see 5 of the hottest guys I've ever seen. I stared for a minute before coming back to my senses. "Huh" I said. "Take A Picture It'll Last Longer" The one in stripes said cheekily? I rolled my eyes. "If you roll your eyes like that too much your eyes will get stuck like that" blonde said. Ohhh Is that an Irish Accent I hear?....

"Yeah I'm Irish" He said. I blushed and bit my lip. "I said that out loud didn't i?" I timidly said.

"yep" The curly one said. "what's your name, love? He said. "Well, I'd love to stay and chat but I have to go catch my plane. Thanks bye." I rushed out and walked towards my mum. "What A bitch" The one in the stripes said loudly to make sure I could hear him. I turned around and glared at him and he smirked. I shook my head and ran towards my mum and dad. "Who was that" Mum said once I got over there. "Some Assholes" I mutterd. "Paige Don't cuss." My mother scolded. "Now let's go" She said.

We boarded the plane. I took a seat next to the window because I love window seats. You have somewhere to rest your head and you only have one person beside you. In this case my brother was beside me. Them my mum was beside Luke and beside her was dad. We sat like this anywhere we go actually it's quite strange but it's something I'm used to I guess. "Hello And welcome to American Airlines we will be taking off shortly strap your seatbelts (do planes have seatbelts??) and we will give a and instructional safety video. Enjoy your flight" the nasally voice on the intercom said.

I Sighed and rested my head upon the window. I never watch the safety vidoes. Oh Well So Shell.

Yes I Just said That. Bam What!!! I plugged in my headphones and listened to 'here's to never growing up.' I just love that song isn't it jus-



Whale guys that was it.

We'll not the whole book, only the first chapter.

Hope you guys enjoy it, I'll Probably be uploading it at least once a week .

Most likely more.

well anyways some bitch sneezed on me In class today and I almost killed someone. Like they sneezed all over my face to. GRRRROOOOSSSSEEEEEEEEE! Well thanks for listening to my little mini life story!!



Personal: @marissa_lee91

Fan Account: @ohlord_louis

- Mae💋 xoxoxo

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