Chapter 2

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I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.

- Audrey Hepburn


We boarded the plane. I took a seat next to the window because I love window seats. You have somewhere to rest your head and you only have one person beside you. In this case my brother was beside me. Them my mum was beside Luke and beside her was dad. We sat like this anywhere we go actually it's quite strange but it's something I'm used to I guess. "Hello And welcome to American Airlines we will be taking off shortly strap your seatbelts (do planes have seatbelts??) and we will give a and instructional safety video. Enjoy your flight" the nasally voice on the intercom said.

I Sighed and rested my head upon the window. I never watch the safety vidoes. Oh Well So Shell.

Yes I Just said That. Bam What!!! I plugged in my headphones and listened to 'here's to never growing up.' I just love that song isn't it jus-


End Of Recap!

Chapter 2:


My Eyes Shot Open As I looked around. Panic. Everyone was running around screaming at the to of their voices. I sprang up from my seat and ran over to my parents. "Mum, Dad, What's happening..?" I asked nervously. Their faces were pale white and looked like they had just seen a ghost. They turned to look at each other before dad started "Some plane was passing by and the piglet thought it was a regular plane but when we got closer they realized it was a terrorist plane so we are gonna crash into the ocean" dad warned with wide eyes. I froze. Oh My God. I know everyone has to die one day but does today have to be the day? I have the worst luck. How did I not think this through. Why didn't I watch the safety video??

I shook my head, And turned to look at my brother. He was sleeping."Mum Dad wake Luke Up! Were about to die!!!" I screamed my face turning red. "We've decided to let him stay asleep so he won't die and pain and so he won't be scared honey" She said. My Eyes turned from wide into a glare. "mum tell me the truth.... Were you gonna do that with me too?" I said nervously.

Mum sighed. "Yes honey I'm sorry but we didn't want to bother you or make you frightened. Do you understand"

"Yes but I still think it's wrong and you should wake Luke up so we could all say goodbye but whatever." I said flatly.

Thats when it happened. Everyone one the plane started crying as the plane descended from the air into top he ocean. I looked in the direction of my parents to see the strapped in their seats. I sighed and swam over to the door I opened it and watched as water filled in the plane. I didn't take anymore time to swim out and start swimming to the surface. I was running out of air and I was running out of air fast.

Finally I broke surface. I gasped for air and looked around. I saw a piece of the plane door floating on the surface of the ocean. That was my only hope. I swam over to the door and climbed on. I laid down on the huge door, big enough to fit 10 people. (I know that's not realistic so take that stick out your ass). I shut my eyes suddenly becoming very tired. I laid Down and drifted to sleep while I still had the sounds of the terrified shrieks and shouts still in my mind.


I Woke up to the sound of distant... Swimming? I bolted up having in my mind that it was some kind of deadly animal like a shark or a turtle. Don't judge me. Turtles are monsters! I looked around and about 100 meters a way I saw a bunch of floating live vests. wait! Those life vests have people attached to them. I jumped off the door and swam into their direction.

I was about 10 meters away from them and they still hadn't noticed. As I was trying to get closer I slipped over a log and made a loud splashing should. They People turned around slowly only to se me with my legs sticking out the water. They burst out laughing as the one with brown hair and brown eyes came and helped me. As I got from under the water I spit out the water and heard screams.

I opened my eyes only to see that I spit the water all over the boys face. I saw the other boys behind him who were rolling back and forth laughing. I sent them a glare. They shut up fast. I turned back to the brown haired boy and saw he had a blank look on his face but I could see the amusement I. His eyes as he stared at me. The corners of his mouth twitched upwards as he tried to hold in a grin.

My eyes widened. "OMG I'm soooo sorry" I yelled while hugging him. He sighed and hugged me back. "It's okay love" He said calmly.

"So I see you like to squirt" The boy in stripes said giggling like a little school girl. the others spurts out laughing while I sat there with a blank look on my face. "Hahaha" I said coldly. "Now do you guys just wanna float here of do you want to go find an island or something" I said as my eyes sparkled when I said island.

Turning the other way I started swimming the way to my door. I didn't hear anyone behind me so I turned around. They were all sitting there looking at me like I just grew a beard. I sighed. " I meant that how about you idiots follow me and I'll show you where I slept so we can all sit down Instead of swimming here" I said pointing to the ocean. A look of realization spread across their faces and it soon turned into a blush. "Yeah let's go" the one with midnight black hair said as he started floating my way. The others tried to cover up their embarrassment as they swam. I Chuckled and swam to the door and hoisted myself up. I looked out into the ocean as they got one one by one. Once they got up I rolled my eyes and turned around. They were all staring at me which by the way really frightened me. I sat back in shock and would've fell off the door if it wasn't the blonde who pulled my arm up.

The boys turned to the ocean. "LOOK! there is and island in the distance" the brown haired boy said. "were saved!" stripey said. Yes I'm calling him stripey don't judge. "it looks like it's about 1 hour away so how about I stay up and I'll let you guys take a nap" Brownie Hair said. Yes I'm giving him a nickname too. well until I find out their names.

"Oaky" they all chorused.

"Hey guys" I said

"Yes" blonde said,

"Since we are gonna be stuck together for a little while what are your names" I asked.

"Niall". The Blonde a Said

"zayn" The Black hair boy stated

"Harry" the green eyed dimpled boy said

"Liam" brownie hair boy said

"Louis" stripey stated proudly like he was so proud that he knew his own name.

"what's your name" the one called harry said.

"my names is paige. Paige Marie," I said as I laid down on the door and waited for us to get to the island as I drifted of into a deep sleep.


There was the second chapter!

Sorry they are so short it's annoying.

So this chapter is really boring but the book will get better next chapters when they arrive at the island.

I'm sick today so I'm not going to school! 😷

Hope I feel better!

Hope you like my story!

Follow My Twitter:

@ohlord_louis 💕

-Mae 👸👑

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2014 ⏰

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