Day 2 (Namjoon)

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A.N. Finally it's day 2 ahahahhaha xD anyway thank you guys for waiting, and thank you for understanding, i really appreciate it :)))

still have a cold though xD but i wanted to update since i love you guys so much xD  i hope you enjoyy

Namjoon POV

Yesterday was really unexpected...
I felt embarrassed about it but dont get me wrong I liked what happened, anyway

I saw jimin sleeping beside jungkook
he was so cute but I really am still shocked about what happened yesterday

'since so much happened yesterday, I wanted to relax '

I wanted to go to the mall so I invited the others who were awake but they were too lazy to get out

so I just took a bath and got ready, as I was about to exit their shared room suddenly

there was a bit of a rustle so i looked back and saw jimin who was now awake

Third person POV

"monie hyung~.... where are you going?" Jimin said while rubbing his eyes

"hey good morning jiminie ~ im going to the mall, do you want to come with me?"
Namjoom replied

jimin's eyes sparkled (a.n. hehe xD)
"of course monie hyung!~"

"okay jiminie,  i'll wait for you downstairs okay?"

"ne hyungie ~" jimin replied

After a while

"monie hyung, im ready!"
"okay jiminie let's go"

When they arrived at the mall. They walk around the mall and namjoon went inside a clothing store which jimin followed.

Namjoon found a clothes that he like so he bought it, and since it's the first time he went to the mall with jimin he wanted to buy clothes for him too.

as namjoon was looking for clothes for jimin

"Jiminie, what do you think about this would you want to try it on?"

It was a pastel colored sweater and shorts and more. As he was looking at the clothes he noticed jimin was not there.


He then saw jimin walking into a store so he quickly followed jimin.

As jimin walked inside the store he went in he saw many unique various things. He saw little eggs with different colors, there were also bracelets which he thought the designs were weird,

there where also rings but it's too big for the fingers.... weird, jimin thought

Then he grabbed a long thing. "What's this?" Jimin said

Suddenly namjoon saw jimin holding a ...dildo... (a.n. OM this is so embarrassing to write hahaha xD)

He went to jimin quickly

"Jiminie, what are you doing here?" Namjoon trying to act composed

"Monie hyung! I was just curious since there are many interesting things here."
Jimin replied

"Well, we should probably go jiminie"

"Wait hyungie, do you know what this is?"
Jimin asked innocently while still holding the thing in his hands

Namjoon don't know if he should say anything or what

"Jiminie let's just go back to the clothing store okay?" Namjoon said as he started to pull jimin out of the "store"

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