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  The police. Dang it.

  The first thing we did, when face to face with the police, was to run. We'd stick together though. I know it sounds weird but yeah, we did just that.

  And that's exactly what we did then. We ran. Ran together. Ran like never before. Ran for our lives. Literally.

  A situation like this rarely came. We almost always did things right. So we didn't have much of an experience in running away from the police. It's loud though. Our footsteps echoing in the once silent night, the sounds of guns firing, but missing it's target.

  'How'd they know?'asked Tom a terrified expression on his face. He was sweating with all the running, his share of the money bobbing behind him.

  'I have no idea. But they must have some how come to know. Dang it. They ruined the night completely,'replied Jackie.

  The police continued their shooting. One bullet brushed past missed Tess' hand causing her to wince in pain.

  Then, it happened. A bullet went right into Tom's abdomen. It was followed by another one that went into his chest, barely missing his heart. I could only stare. I heard some one scream his name. It must have been me. I don't know. It's like I wasn't in my senses. Like I wasn't there. Like I was looking through some one else. This wasn't happening. I just couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it.

  The bullets did more than enough damage, to cause him to fall to the ground.

  'We will stop shooting if you surrender. STOP RUNNING.'

  'Go on leave m-me. I don't think that I will be able to m-make it,'whispered Tom in an urgent tone and then lost his consciousness.

  'Make it or not, we're not gonna leave you here buddy.'

  Jackie and I lifted him up and Tess took his money bag and we continued running. As we turned the corner we picked up the pace and spotted a covered man hole. We exchanged glances with Tess and it was understood that we needed her to open it up.

  Once it was opened, Jackie went in first and I lowered Tom to him and then Tess and I got in. We returned the cover to its previous position just as we heard the whir of a chopper. We were safe at the moment. We had landed in one of the city's underground sewers. It stank but we didn't care.

  When I turned my attention to Tom, both Tess and Jackie were bent over him trying to control the blood that would not stop flowing.

  I could see the tears in Tess' eyes. Jackie looked like he could use a good cry too. I wondered how I must have looked like.

  'He has already lost too much blood. He was right,'whispered Tess. A tear streaming down her left cheek and falling onto Tom's blood soaked shirt. She caught his hand tighter and gave it a little squeeze.

  She was an orphan, just like us. She used to be picked on by other, older orphans. That's how she learnt how to fight, so that she could defend herself. She became a part of us because of Tom. Tom was the one who one day found her lying on a street.

  I bent down too and kept my hand on Tom's chest. I didn't say a word though. I didn't know what to say. I am not experienced in these kind of situations.

  Tess laid her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her and she cried into my shoulder. She must have never seen a friend die right before her eyes.

  Suddenly, he stopped breathing. It was so sudden, but it felt like it lasted a whole lot longer. Tess slowly let go of his arm an caught mine tight and cried harder into my shoulder.

  I just sat there motionless, with my head down, staring at the only guy who could make me really laugh.

  Jackie looked miserable. He was a lot like me but more commanding and didn't care about the people he didn't know. It was a rare sight to see him the way he was seeing Tom die.

  After a little moaning we decided that he needed a good resting place. We checked whether it was safe to move out first and then carried Tom's body to a nearby cemetery and buried him quietly in one corner.

  We hadn't spoken at all, while doing the burial. After he was buried, we said a small farewell speech. Well, it was not a prayer, so it kind of like a speech.  And it was said by Jackie, who had recovered rather quickly. Or at least it felt like it was quick to me.

  'Tom, thanks for all the stuff you've helped us with. You've been a true friend to us. I just wish you were alive to hear all this.'

  And that was it. It suddenly strike me that I won't ever be able to see him again, that we would be leaving him there. Tom, my friend was gone. Forever.

  We found our way back to the sewer later. We hadn't thought of any thing yet and that was the safest place.

  'We've got to go back to laying low. And separate.'

  Jackie had gone all boss again. We were all sitting and avoiding each other's gaze.

  'Yeah, now the police are sure we're alive,'said Tess. Her voice was still hoarse from crying.

  'I'll be leaving for the north. Where'll you two be going?'he asked looking at us both.

  'I think I'll go to the hillside. Somewhere nobody will find me, I guess,'I said, deep in thought.

  Tess was fidgeting with her hands for some time, then she looked at me and asked,'can I come with you?'

  I was a little stunned, though I should have expected it. Jackie looked a little surprised.

  'Since when have you two become so close?'he asked in a surprised tone.

  'I have no idea what you're talking about,' I said to him with an expression saying mind-your-own-business and turning to Tess, who was blushing, said,'of course you can join me. I'd love company.'


  After that we had become quiet yet again. We chatted a little more and then left. We needed to eat before we left the city. So we took the money, divided Tom's share among us and disguises ourselves as much as we could. We shared a meal at a restaurant and then Tess and I bade farewell to Jackie and boarded a train to our destination. Who knows when we are going to meet again. If we are ever going to meet again, that is.

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