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Angela's POV.

Its Monday morning and the first day of Senior year, or as I like to call it "the first day of the last year in hell." As I'm on my way to Dave's coffee shop I begin to look back on the past few years of my life. High school has been pretty rough and I've had my fair share of "girl drama." This began prior to the end of Sophomore year and had gotten to the point were my parents we're considering me moving schools.

As expected I protested, convincing not only my parents but also myself that I had a reason to stay. This surprisingly was not very hard, because although the reasons were very little and some deemed as irrelevant, they still existed. One of the reasons being my long time friend and neighbor, Joanna. Despite our differences in the past she has always stuck around through the good and bad, and for that I applaud her.

After all we've been through Im not quite sure how she has managed to trust me again, but she has and she is my only friend. Therefore, I will not question her motives. I'm lucky I have anyone right now, let alone Harry. Speaking if Harry where is that boy?
It's more than usual for him to be late but I've been sitting in this damn coffee shop for 20 minutes and I'm getting late.

I love him with all my heart but I will never let him know this. He is the whole beach, but if he believes he is only a grain of sand in my eyes I sure as hell won't be the one to correct him. This is a tactic of mine, to avoid getting hurt. I've always worn my heart on my sleeve and am well aware of this. Which is why I've not yet let my guard down allowing Harry complete access. He's taken my body but not all of me.

Harry and I have been "talking" for about two months now and I say this, because the term 'dating' just sounds too foreign considering our situation. Harry is not considered the most like-able person in school, but he'll neither am I. Most hate him for his blunt mouth, rebellious attitude, and cheekiness.

Not that's I should care what they think. After all, it's Senior year and I have almost no friends, why try making ones now? He's all I need.

Harry's POV.

Joanna is the most spiteful bitch in the planet and I am convinced Satan has planted her here on Earth to torture me. I've played her games all summer long, Senior year is starting and I think I might love Angela. Which is why I'm beyond done with this fucked up arrangement fueled Joanna's hatefulness and my desperate need for extra cash.

I can't do this any longer. Someone is going to get hurt. I'm calling her today before things escalate further than they already have. As I lie in bed going over what I'm going to tell her, as if on cue I feel sudden vibrations form from an unknown location on my bed. After about the third ring, frustrated I stumble out of bed ripping the sheets and all off the mattress as my phone comes in contact with the hard wood floor.

"Shit" I mumble under my breath as I pick up the rumbling device. Who the fuck would call this early anyways? It's literally seven in the morning and the first day of school. I hear Joanna's obnoxious voice on the other end of the line and immediately regret answering. "Morning bad boy, ready for the first day of Senior year?"

What the hell does she want? I've only spoken with her minimal times throughout the Summer and that was strictly business. "What the fuck do you want Jo?! It's like seven in the goddamn morning!" I am not a morning person. "Haha easy tiger and wow late on the first day? That's gotta be a new record. It's 9:30 dumbass."

Shit.Im late. "Shut the fuck up whore and tell Angela I slept in late, and that I'll call her late." I demand. Angela and I had planned to meet at Dave's coffee shop,the café nearby before school to talk but I overslept. As usual.

In a strange way I'm happy I didn't go. I don't want to be with her again until this whole mess with Joanna is cleared up. Angela is just too innocent. "Wow okay I'll let her know and maybe I'll let her know something else if you keep up that attitude mister" she says, like the fucking instigator she is. "About that Joanna, we need to talk. Meet me at the coffee shop in ten minutes. It's urgent."

(OMG I can't believe I finished the first chapter! I have big things planned for this story so please comment & let me know what you all think so I can start the next chapter! I love you all thanks for reading!! Xxx)

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