Chapter Two

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Yall will find out who the mystery person is now lmao

Canada's POV
I'm flying. Why am I flying? I don't know. It's dark. "Hello?" I call into the dark abyss, but alas, no response. "Figures." I huff. Suddenly, I'm falling. After what seems like hours, I land on something soft. I still can't see, but I become aware of voice talking to me.

"Hello? Can you hear me?"

"....Yes I can."

"Okay good. Listen to me, please. There's a traitor among your friends. They have been blackmailed, but I'm not entirely sure who it is, so be cautious tonight, and don't trust anyone but the ones closest to you."

I pause. "Okay, but how am I supposed to trust you when I don't even know who you are?"

To my surprise, the voice laughs. "You don't recognize my voice? That's strange, because we spent a lot of time together," the voice took a short pause and then revealed themselves. I gasped. "Temperance."

"Reve?! But, I don't understand!"

"I know you don't trust me, but please, just this once, believe me. Something big is going to happen and I want to help you. Now, it's time to WAKE UP!" Reve snapped his fingers.

I gasp awake, drenched in a cold sweat. "W-what was that? Should I trust Reve? After all he put us through... You know what? I'm going to give him a chance." As I say this, I check my Canadian themed watch. "Oh maple! It's already quarter after nine?! I have to go! Luckily I'm close." I hurry and get dressed, noting the temperature is slightly cool, and base tonight's wardrobe around that. I leave the hotel at 9:30 and end up running to the meeting, as my car decided to not start. I have to shout multiple 'Sorry!'s and 'Excuse me!'s because I have to bump into and push people, much to my dismay. As I round the corner, I see the world meeting place. "Wow, it looks pretty.... Decrepit." I exclaim. The building itself is missing multiple windows, and is covered in vines. There was also quite a bit of graffiti, and a spot that looked suspiciously like... "Blood?! This can't be the right place... Right?" I go up to a male standing on a street corner at a bus stop. "Um, excuse me sir? Sorry for bothering you but what is this place?" I gesture to the building.
He sighs, appearing annoyed, but his voice says otherwise.

"Not from around here are you? Well, that used to be the World Meeting building, but a decade ago, a murder took place there. It was so gruesome, that the owners found it not able to hold meetings anymore, because everyone became... Afraid of it, in a sense. It's been closed ever since. According to some sources, 10 to 15 people died in the murder and that those poor unfortunate souls still reside there today." He must of seen my discomfort and smiled really creepily as the lonely looking bus pulled up. As he got on, he shot me a very disturbing smile that is impossible to describe. I shivered and texted America.

C: Hey America. What's the address of the world meeting building again?
A: Sup bro the meeting place is 11106 Austin Ave

I glance at the address. '11106 Austin Ave. Oh great.'

C: Okay thank you.
A: No probs m8

I run my hands through my hair, intentionally missing my curl. 'Great. First I get a strange dream, with Reve none the less, and now the world meeting building is a very disturbing building that people probably got murdered in. What else could go wrong?' I take a deep breath, and very slowly walk towards the entrance. As I go to open the door, I find it's slightly ajar. I push it open only to be faced with a gut wrenching smell that I identify as the smell of death and decay. 'Why would anyone hold a meeting here, let alone Germany?' Out of the corner of my eyes, I see a shadow. I turn to look at the spot I saw it and.... There was nothing. 'O-okay. Maybe America is just pranking me? Yeah, that's it! I think....' I chuckle nervously and continue on my way to find the meeting room. Eventually, I come across a room with voices inside, and I immediately recognize America's loud voice. I check my watch once more. '9:53... Well, I'm not late, that's a relief.' I silently but swiftly open the door, and find a seat between France and Russia, shivering at the aura Russia was emitting.

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