Chapter (ii)

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       "Look at yourself as a color. You may not be everyone's favorite but believe me, one day you will find someone who'll need you to complete their picture"

Sorry not Sorry by Demi Lovato
Real Friends by Camila Cabello
Don't recall by K.A.R.D


I walked through the small crowd of people towards my locker to get my things before class starts. But what I saw next was something I would've never expected in my whole life to happen.

"WHAT THE HELL!??" I thought and said out load.

I know you might think that I'm overreacting and all but trust me when I say this that if you were me you would've felt the same.

Right in front of me was my best friend Jessica Andrews, whom I have known since kindergarten, sitting on the floor next to our lockers, STUDYING, like actually studying!. I have known this girl my whole life and she only studies on the night before the exam. She never tries to complete her projects or studies for her tests and somehow gets pass all of them.


I quickly walked up to her, more like ran up to her, and sat down crossed leg besides her while dropping my bag that was resting on my shoulder on the floor.

"Who are you?" I asked the very second I sat down next to her.

"What?" She replied looking confused.

"Who are you and what have you done to my best friend?" I asked still feeling shocked.

"What do you mean? Have you gone crazy?" She asked looking a bit irritated.

I looked away from her face and looked at what she was working on. Was that MATHS!!?? She was studying Maths of all subjects. Okay something was definitely up.

"Well it clearly shows that I'm not the one who has gone crazy because you are the one studying Maths" I said narrowing my eyes and pointing my finger at her.

"What? I have a test today so I'm preparing for it. Is that a crime?" She asked." Well it is a crime for the real Jessica Andrews I know. And you never told me about a test when we were studying in the library the other day. So tell me the truth or else I have to pair up with Archie to get it out of you." I said and she sighed in reply because she knew what both me and Archie could do to her.

She looked everywhere but avoided to look into my eyes and buried her face in her palms and mumbled something which I could make out at first.

"Uh... what did you say?" I asked at which she growled and looked up at me with pink cheeks. Was she blushing? She started looking at her palms.

"I said... that I might have a crush on someone......" said dragging the last words.

"SAY WHAT NOW!!???" I screamed at her at which she covered her ears and everybody in the halls started looking at me like I was a lunatic.

"Sorry guys. Carry on!" I said to the people staring weirdly at me and told them to move on with the wave of my hand.

I tried to calm myself down but failed. "Who? What? Why? When? Where? How? Tell me NOW!" I said in one breath, my eyes still wide because of the shock.

"Calm down Maddy! I'll tell you everything but get yourself together first" she said and I did what she said.

Once I came back to my normal self and didn't look like a freaked out retarded penguin Jess started explaining herself.

"You remember that blind date I had to go on which Archie arranged for me?" She asked me at which I nodded in response. "Of course I remember it. I had to lie to Ma yesterday that you were at your grandparent's because I knew what would've happened if I told her the truth." We both smiled at each other knowing well how Ma starts fangirling when it comes to any three of our' love life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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