° : jordan

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jordan j

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jordan j. andrews- formly known as
the soon to be prince of sweden is a
nineteen year old boy who despises
the life of royalty. he tends to go out at
night to get his mind off of things - having
to be painted as perfect everyday is not
always the best - he struggles with anxiety because of all the pressure on his shoulders - but he'll never tell you that . he's a social butterfly who's good at keeping a smile on
his face - he's always trying to make others smile which is why he likes to crack jokes
every once and while- ( his mother absolutely hates when he does ) .

he has a younger brother named james
who's really the only person keeping him
sane - both his parents aren't the king
and queen everybody thinks they are,
they fight constantly and put up a front
when around the press. all in all - jordan thinks about starting a new life of his
own quite a lot. if you ever get the chance
to befriend this boy- you won't regret it,
he's very sweet and will always find a
way to make you smile - saying hi to
this guy will never be hard , he isn't
as intimidating as he looks, he's
usually very welcoming.

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