Chapter 2

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(Y/N Pov)
"Come over here BamBam!"
"Give me a minute, Jackson!" the guy with the mask said.

I'm talking to BamBam??

"Your...BamBam?" I asked.
"Yes, surprised?" he said.
"Why didn't you tell me who you are?"
"Cause you didn't tell me who you are duh."
"Oh yeah, hello my name is Y/N! I'm 22 years old starting today."
"My name is BamBam, you know who I'm. Today is your birthday?"
"Yes, it's today."
"Well happy birthday! You're older than me so you're my Noona! My gift to you, Noona is meeting your favorite group!"
"Yes, that what's friends are for!"

I'm friends with BamBam, a famous Idol!

"Let's go! Noona!"
"Lets! Wait for BamBam, why did you have a fan meeting with Exo, together?"
"Well, both Got7 and Exo thought we should raise money for the orphanages. "
" We just wanted to do something nice for the children".
"You guys are so sweet and kind! How are you going to get the money?"
"We going to sell chocolates! Got7 have 7 types of chocolate and Exo have 9 types of chocolate. Each type of chocolate is one of the members. Each type of chocolate has a paper, only one. The paper says you get a date with one of the members. For examples, if you get dark chocolate and there's a paper, you get a date with me!"
(That might be confusing! Sorry I don't explain well .-.)
"Woah, a date? A lot of people going to buy the chocolates!"
"I know that's why we did that."
"Hurry up BamBam!" Jackson said.
"Coming!!Jackson this is my friend Y/N, today is her birthday, she's 22 years old!"
"Nice to meet you Y/N! Happy Birthday!"
"Thank you, Jackson."
"Jackson, I'm going to get the rest of Got7. Stay here with Y/N"
"I love too."

BamBam ran to the other members, cute.

"Y/N, who your bias in Got7?"
"Wel,l it's Youngjae..."
"Bias wrecker?"
"All the members, hard to love just one you know!"
"Favorite ship?"
"Markson! Wait, I also ship BamBam and you. So hard to choose!"

Jackson started to laugh, BamBam came back with all the members. Hope they like me.

"Guys, this is Y/N, my friend. Today is her birthday, she's 22!"
"Hello Y/N! Happy Birthday!" They all said together, agh soo cute!
"Guess what Y/N likes Youngjae!" Jackson said.
"Shut up Jackson! I like all of these guys!"
"All of us? Equally?" Jr asked.
"Well, I like Youngjae more than you guys. Youngjae is my bias and the rest of you are my bias wrecker..." I said quickly.
"So cute," Yuygeom said.
"Shouldn't Y/N wear a mask? Just in case, you know how crazy the fans get." JB said.
"We can say she's my cousin!" Jackson said.
"Alright, one of us should watch her! We don't want her to get hurt." Mark said.

They care about me! Tears, can this day get any better?

"I can take care of her, I was the first one to talk to her!" BamBam said.
"Alright, see you around Y/N!" They said and they left.
"Hey Y/N, you want to get a date with Youngjae?" he asked.
"I love to... wait, what???!!"
To be Continued!
(Author Pov)
I will be updating this story, every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday!

BamBam- "Why don't you update every day?"
Cause I'm lazy!
Jackson- "Don't be lazy!"
Is hard not to!
JB- "Woah, what's is this place?"
Mark- "Where are we!?"
Welcome you two!
Jackson- "Don't ask, we don't know either.."
BamBam - "Hello! Where are the other members?"
Youngjae- "We are here!"
Jr- "How long will this last?"
BamBam- *Dabs*
Jackson- "This isn't the time to Dab!"
BamBam- "There is always a time to Dab!"
This is taking way too long!
Yugyeom- "Way too long there like 620 words in this chapter!"
You're not supposed to say that!
Yugyeom- "Oops!"
Got7 say goodbye!
Got7- "Goodbye!"
Jackson- "Markson forever man!"
JB- "Ignore him, goodbye!!"

Sweet Mess (Youngjae x Reader x ChanBaek)Where stories live. Discover now