Triping For You (spain x reader)

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You and your beast friend Antonio, were walking to the park. Antonio was talking about some guy who insulted him all the time. But you weren't really paying attention. You were too busy admiring your friend.

He was your crush sense middle school. He hasn't token a hint yet, you've been trying to tell him but it comes out all weird and stutter like.

When you were in your thoughts in la la land. You didn't notice that, he tripped on a root and was falling right towards you. He fall right on top of you sending you both onto the grass. Well, he was on top of you, and you were on the grass. You came back form your dream world and you immediately had a pink hue to your cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Chica" he said with a bright red face that would put Frances roses to shame. You just stared and leaned up. "Uhh c-Chica what a-are you doing?" He stuttered out. You moved closer and closer until your lips were about an inch apart. You stopped in fear if you kissed him you'd ruin your friendship. But he looked so good right now.

As you were Thinking he closed the space in between you. You felt his hot lips on yours and you kissed back. He kind of tasted like tomato's. (Surprising -.-) you pulled away blushing like mad.
"I-I'm so sorry Antonio I d-didn't mean to" you couldn't look at him so you kept your head down. Then he held your chin forcing you to look up. "I didn't mind, your a really good kisser." You blushed and mumbled a 'thank you'. "Heh guess I really tripped for you ." He said and you laughed a bit. "Yea, I guess you did."

(( hey Author~chan here. Sorry if you don't really like this chapter. I didn't know what to right for Spain sense I lost the original I had. I'm also doing England next!! I hope you still read bye bye!!))

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