Perioada nedeterminata la One Direction

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Cam asa suna anuntul gasit pe site-ul trupei. Voi incerca, oricum n-am cum sa castig! Sa fim seriosi! Cand am castigat eu vreodata ceva? Ma rog...let's see! Oricum, cred ca ne-am intelege foarte bine... De ce cred asta? Pentru ca prietenii imi spun ca sunt "baietoasa si imatura". Pe scurt, probabil ca m-as imprieteni cu ei... Toti pari atat de amuzanti si putin... da' doar putin... draguti...?!? PE CINE INCERC EU SA PACALESC AICI? SUNT DE-A DREPTUL MINUNATI! Cei mai draguti mi se par Harry, Louis si Liam. Niall e destul de dragut! abtin! :| Oricum, daca m-as atinge de Harry, Niki m-ar omori. Daca m-as atinge de Niall, Elena m-ar omori. Daca m-as atinge de Liam, prietena mea buna si psihopata de Anna m-ar omori pt ca-l pastreaza drept rezerva. Pe scurt, cel de care ma pot atinge e Louis. So cute!

Deci...unde completez?

First Name: Emma

Country: Romania

e-mail: (am rocketmail! problem?)


Photo... nu le-o dau! sac!


"Problem with the server. Please try again later!"


Nu mai incerc, ce draq?Fi-le-ar server-u' sa le fie! Sa le stea in gat!



Telefonu' suna... nu-mi spune ca-i iar o farsa! Te rog, nu-mi spune asta! Iau telefonul, inchid ochii, apoi ii deschid pe rand si nu-i numar ascuns, ci un numar strain... nu-i romanesc, in orice caz!

-Alo? Em here!

-Hi! Emma?

-Yes...who am I talking to?

-Oh...sorry! I'm Louis from One Direction!

-And I'm Niall!

-And I'm Liam!

-I'm Harry! Nice to hear you!

-Hey, I'm Zane! What's up?

-Wait...what? Sorry, I thing that I didn't understood! You are One Direction?


-But how? I thought that was a problem with the server and... What ever, it doesn't matter! You called me to tell me that...

-THAT YOU WON A WEEK WITH US! Call your friends and tell them that you're going to England! Your plane is taking off next week, so see you then!



-May I take some friends with me? They are big fans, bigger than I, so it could be a little unfair... can bring only 4 friends, ok?

-Ok! It's enough! Thank's!

-You're welcome! Bye, Emm!

-Bye, Louis!

Nu pot sa cred! Daca eu nu ma cred, cum ma pot astepta sa ma creada fetele? Hmmm...  Va fi un pic cam complicat... Stai putin! Telefonul suna iar! Acelasi numar! Nu pot sa cred...

-Hi again, Louis. What's up?

-Sorry, but I forgot to ask you what's you're adress to send you the plane tickets and the signed T-shirt to recognize you when you'll arrive...

-Give me you're mail or Yahoo! Messenger ID and I'll give you then, Ok?


-No problemo, amigo! By the way, I'm not gonna wear that T-shirt. When I'll arive, I'll call you to tell you how I'm dressed.'re the first person which don't want to wear the Official Signed T-shirt... You're interesting...

-Yeah...tell me something new. And I guess that I'm also the first which didn't screamed, right?

-Yes, you are...

-Ok...see you then, bye!

-Bye, weirdo!

Ce dezorganizat...NE POTRVIM DE MINUNE!!! Ce bine ca Louis s-a despartit de fosta lui! Nici nu stie ce-l asteapta! Acum, sa le anunt pe fete. Sa le dau sms! Perfect!

"Veniti repede in parc! I have something very important to tell you! Nu m-ati crede daca v-as spune! =))=))=)) PS: Nu zic nimic pana nu veniti toate!"

Abia astept sa le vad fetele!


Le dedic prologul celor doua care m-au molipsit de One Direction Infection, anume Mikiii si ChibiGirl. De asemenea, n-o pot uita pe "logodnica lui Liam", papersoul si nici pe Alexiiiici, cu care in acest moment sunt in razboi pentru Louis. Hope you like it!

PS: Daca observati vreo greseala in dialogul in engleza, va rog sa-mi spuneti! Merci, sunteti cei mai tari!

One Thing (a One Direction fan-fic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum