Chapter One

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If you had asked me five years ago where I would be now the last thing I would have said was I would be financially stable and that me and my best friend would own the bar we always talked about having. That however was my life, three years ago my best friend Victoria Rhodes quit her job as a correctional officer to shack up with an inmate that she fell in love with. That inmate, Megan Graves, embezzled a ton of money and when she got out we all ran away and spent a year sitting on the beach doing a whole lot of nothing. When I say she had a ton of money I'm talking in the tens of millions. So there we were, Vic and Megan, me and my girlfriend Vanessa, living on the beach, not having to work. We ate, drank, we drank a lot, we did some travelling. Both together and apart, but after a while we all started to realize that although she had a lot the three of us didn't feel right just living off of it when really it wasn't ours.I suppose it wasn't hers either, but that's not the point. Vic was probably a little less guilty, a little more bored since it was her girlfriend but once her and I started talking we came to the same conclusion, we had to do something.

After months of throwing out ideas we couldn't believe that it had taken us so long to remember that we had talked about having our own bar for years when we were teenagers. We talked to Megan and she had zero problems fronting the money to open the bar but didn't want to be apart of the day to day running of it. Vanessa didn't want to work in a bar either and if it was profitable I didn't have a problem with her really not working either.

We put our plan in motion by first figuring out where we would move to in order to open it. We couldn't really go back home since even though Vic wasn't in corrections anymore we have pretty much avoided anyone that was from our old lives since Megan was with a former inmate. We talked to our families but they didn't live in town anyway so it wasn't really a problem.

Megan ended up having a contact that could get us a location that was on the other side of the country. So after months of planning, construction, hiring, training, we were in business. We've been in business just over a year and things were great. We were busy every night of the week, Vic and I worked really well together and the girls pretty much stayed out of it, other than coming to see us at work a few nights a week. They hung out quite a bit which was nice but since we had moved they had both made friends which made how much Vic and I were at work a little easier.

I know what you're thinking, you have millions of dollars and you give up never working again to work long hours, nights and weekends, you must be crazy. And maybe we were a little, but we were having a blast doing it.

Today I was driving into work early, we had recently had to hire some new staff because of how busy we were and we had a couple of people quit. Unfortunately, in this industry turnover isn't uncommon. Vic had already done some first interviews and I was going in to do second interviews with a couple of people. I was opening up the door when I got a text from Vic.

V: "Don't hire her just because she's hot."

I shook my head as I tossed my stuff on my desk.

"And why would you think I would do that?"

Seconds after I hit send my phone was ringing.

"Yes asshole?"

"Let's not pretend like half our staff doesn't work for us because they are hot."

I scoffed into the phone. She wasn't wrong but I wasn't the only one at fault. "You know that's not all on me."

"Shhhhh....," she said and we were both laughing.

"Alright go spend some time with the wife before you have to be in here," I said as I hung up on her. They weren't married but I had a feeling that it might be moving in that direction. They had been together a little over three years and as much as I gave them a hard time about being one of "those" couples, they were perfect for each other.

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