Chapter 3

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It was after school and I wanted to go meet up with Seokjin.

I saw him walking out of school and ran up to him.

" Hey Seokjin" I yelled.

He turned around and saw it was me.

" Hey Jisoo. Do you need something" he asked.

" Umm I just wanted to ask you something" I said.

" Okay. What do you need to ask me" he asked.

" Did something happen to you that made you upset in a way like something in your past" I asked.

He stared at me shocked to answer.

Seokjin POV

I stared at her in shock.

I don't know what to tell her.

I mean I just met her.

" Why, what made you think that" I asked her.

" No, you just seemed so sad in school, so I was wondering" she said

" If you don't want to talk about it, I can understand" she said.

' She seems trustworthy to tell' I thought.

" No it's okay. But can we go somewhere

private like the park" I said

" Sure. Fine by me" she said.

At The Park

We got to the park and sat down on the bench.

" Okay, you can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you right now" I said

" I promise I won't tell" she said.

" Okay. It all started when I was young. My parents used to always fight and I could hear them arguing all the time. My father was a person who was never pleasant towards me. But my mother was so sweet and kind . Whenever my father would say something or do something to me that would make me cry, she would be there to comfort me. I loved my mother so much. She was like a best friend to me. Until one day, a tragedy happened. When my mom was driving home from work, she ended up in a car accident. She got rushed to the hospital after a while. My father and I rushed there as well. When we got there the doctors came to inform us that she didn't survive. I cried every night when I heard about my mothers death. I couldn't imagine living a life without her. I started to develop depression later on. But after a while, my father became more abusive then he was before. He thinks that since my mom wasn't here anymore, he can do whatever he wants without her stopping him. He didn't care that she died, in fact he was so happy. I still have the marks and bruises from all the previous times he has abused me.
And even now, my father has never changed and I am still struggling with depression".

After I finished, I showed her all the marks and bruises on my arms.

I look at them and starting crying.

I look at Jisoo and noticed her crying as well.

" I'm so sorry Seokjin" she said hugging me and I hugged her back.

We stayed like that for a few minutes and broke the hug.

We stood up and walked out of the park.

" Am I the only one who knows about this " she asked.

" No. Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook also know" I said.

" Okay. I promise I won't tell anyone" she said.

" Okay, well I have to go now" I said.

" Okay. Bye Seokjin" she said waving and I waved back.

I feel bad that I lied to her.

I lied to my friends as well telling them she died in an accident.

But I'm just scared on what my father will think.

I still remembering him telling me not to tell anyone he killed her.

I'll just have to stick with what I have told them right now.

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