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Emily's pov

I currently have the biggest smile on my face. I just had an amazing conversation with Johnny, and he understands me completely, unlike some of my family and friends. He shares my love of music, and that just makes me so happy.

"Hey Em," my older brother Luke says as he enters my room, "what are you smiling at?"

"Oh it's nothing," I say softly with a slight blush on my cheeks.

"Oh come on, I know it's something, you can tell me"

"Um alright, well I've been talking to a boy..." I trail off.

"Ooo, what's his name? How'd  you meet him?"

"His name is Johnny, and this is gonna sound unrealistic, but I accidentally got added to a group chat with Johnny and his friends. They asked me to stay in the chat and we've all gotten closer"

"You gotta picture?" He asks.

"Oh yeah, one sec." I open Instagram and search "johnnyorlando" and show my brother his recent picture.

"Wait, I've heard of him. Isn't he a singer?"

"Yeah, he is" I reply, smiling.

"Ooo Emily get it!!" My brother exclaims laughing, I join in. "You gotta introduce him to me some time"

"Of course! Now if you excuse me I gotta new piano song to learn.

"Let me guess, he picked it?"

"You read my mind" I laugh.

"I knew it," Luke says, "I'll let you get to it. See you later Em"

"See you, Luke!" I head to my piano and sit down. I listen to Phobias in my AirPods and start to learn the song by ear, I decide to learn the Phobias bedroom mix since it would work better on the piano.

After practicing for a few hours I have the song memorized and I am able to play it flawlessly. I give myself a pat on the back and text John.

Lit Groupchat 🔥

Emily💖- John! I just learned the song!

Johnnyboii💘- ayyy can't wait to hear it 😁

Lauren💙- umm I think y'all sent this in the wrong chat...?

Emily💖- whoops 😯

Emily💖- anyways I have to go, I'll text you guys later, and Johnny I'll text you to see when you wanna facetime :)

Johnnyboii💘- sounds good :))

Lauren💙- wait y'all are gonna facetime???

Kenzie💗- ooo teaaaa

Johnnyboii💘- haha, she asked me which song she should learn next on piano and I said Phobias, and she said we'd facetime so she can play it for me

Lauren💙- aww ship 🥺🥺 

Kenzie💗- 🚢 

Johnnyboii💘- um I'm gonna go now too...

414 words

rewritten 9/01/20

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