Chapter Twenty - Two

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December 25th, 2014

"Merry Christmas Love!!" Finn yelled jumping on the bed. We did end up flying out to Bray for Christmas and Finn loved it. I told him it was one of my Christmas presents to him. The other one... Well, his parents and him will be over the moon happy. I smiled up at him with his Santa hat on, on his hands and knees on the bed grinning down at me.

"You want to go down stairs?" I asked him. He nodded excitedly. "Okay, you go ahead, make me a tea please love. I'll be down in one sec." I told him. He crawled up and pecked my lips quickly before running out of the room. I giggled at his childishness before reaching into my purse. I lifted out the tiny wrapped box and stared at it for a moment before pulling on a pair of pajama pants and placing my Santa hat atop my head I made my way down stairs.

When I reached the bottom Finn stood there with my tea in one hand and a small present in the other. I smiled taking both from him making my way into the living room. When we were all seated all three of them looked at me expectantly so I started to open up the small gift in my hands. Sitting inside of it was a beautiful white gold necklace and matching earrings inset with beautiful black diamonds. I gasped. "This is beautiful! Thank you!" I exclaimed looking up to see Finn's smiling parents.

"It's our little present to say how happy we are that you are marrying our son. We knew since the day you met this would happen and I'm so glad we were right." Mrs. Devitt said coming over to hug me tightly. I hugged her back smiling as I set the gift to the side.

"Well, I have a bit of a present for Fergal..." I said standing up and walking over to him carefully. I handed him the small box. The box that would change our lives forever...

He quickly removed the wrapping paper and lifted the top off the small box. Laying inside of it sat ultrasound photo's and a small recorder.I watched his face contort into confusion as he lifted the recorder out of the box. I reached over pressing play for him. From the little speaker you could hear the soft thumping of a tiny little heart beat. His face grew even more confused until he pulled out the photo's.Finn's parents had already figured it out and his mother was crying while his father beamed proudly.

"Is this... Is this what I think it is?" He asked staring at the photo's wide eyed.

"That depends on what you think it is." I said smirking.

"Are we... Are... Are you pregnant?" Finn asked carefully finally looking up at my face.

I nodded. "Thirteen weeks. The pregnancy test I had taken that day was wrong. I went to the doctor before we flew out here and he drew blood instead and gave me an ultrasound." I told him smiling brightly.

I watched as his eyes brimmed with tears as he stood hugging me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You're further than last time..."Finn breathed. I nodded against his shoulder.

"Not by much but yes. The doctor says this is a very low risk pregnancy since I'm so healthy." I told him beginning to cry as well.

Finn dropped to his knees lifting my tank top exposing my non-existent baby bump. He pressed a soft kiss there as his hands rested on either side of my belly. "Hi baby. It's your daddy! Your momma and I love you so much already." He said kissing my belly again.

His parents both stood embracing me and Finn. Finn grabbed my face between his hands. "This is the best Christmas ever..." He said pressing his lips to mine firmly. I smiled into the kiss as his parents awed at us.

"Well now! That's quite the bit of news isn't it. Let's get on with Christmas then we will celebrate! Both your engagement and the newest little family member!" Mr. Devitt exclaimed. I laughed agreeing as we all sat back down. We spent the rest of the morning opening gifts.Finn's mostly consisting of Comic Books, Lego and I even got him a 'Pregnancy for Soon To Be Daddies' book which he smiled brightly at me. My gifts consisted of books, a couple of gift cards and a gift certificate for my favorite tattoo shop back in the states. I was definitely going to use that after the baby is born. Afterwards Finn and I showered together the whole time he either cried, talked to my belly or kissed me chattering excitedly about all the things he could wait for about being a daddy.

We got dressed properly and headed downstairs to see his brothers and sisters there will all their children who hugged their favorite uncle while his siblings congratulated us on the engagement and pregnancy.We all headed out from there to one of our favorite restaurants in town. We arrived and all got seated we all sat around chatting mostly them asking me what I hoped for with the baby. Finn finally ended it with, "We don't care what the gender is, or what we hope they'll grow up to be and like. All we care about is that he or she is healthy." He looked at me squeezing my hand tightly. I smiled at him tenderly before pecking his lips quickly. After our food came we ate quickly still chatting here and there, and when we were finished we all headed home.

When we arrived and got comfy into bed. Finn pulled out his book I had gotten for him and started reading it. I smiled in content. I'm finally where I want to be in life. Sure this baby decided to came along a little earlier than planned but I wouldn't have it any other way. I placed a hand on my belly looking down at it smiling. Finn placed his hand over mine kissing my cheek gently. Just then I felt a small bump to my belly. I gasped. I pulled my hand out from under Finn's placing his hand where it happened. Just then there was another one. Finn looked at me, tears brimming his eyes once again.

"I love you. I love you more than anything. You've given me the best present ever and I cannot thank you or appreciate you enough for that." He said kissing me gently. "I can't wait to meet our little demon." He smiled brightly rubbing my belly a little bit before going back to his book trying to hold back his tears of happiness. I could only smile. I'm gonna have one amazing little family one day.

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