year added around the sun

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Today is Camila's birthday and Y/N has so many plans. He was surprised that he could fit all of it in one day. Y/N got up really early to prepare her a very good and actually cooked food for her morning. For two hours of hot oil burning his skin, almost cut his finger, and setting the stove on fire, he finally finished the breakfast. Which consisted of: bacon, link sausages, rice, eggs, and fruit punch. A blue berry muffin as an extra.

Y/N opened the door and saw his girlfriend wrapped in thin white sheets hugging her figure. Y/N put the tray on the side and shook Camila.

"Babe, wake up." Y/N whispered in her ear

"Babe get up the police are here!." Camila shot up with her messy hair

"I didn't do it!." Y/N laughed hysterically

"You're such an asshole!." Camila groaned

"Thanks babe. Sit up, I made you breakfast." Camila backed up to the headboard and watched Y/N place the tray right in front of her

"Happy birthday baby." Y/N grabbed her face and smothered kisses around her face

"Aw babe you remembered!." Camila put her hand over her heart and gushed

"I would never forget. Now eat up, we have a long day of fun!."

"Do you want? I don't think I'm-" Y/N cut her off mid-sentence

"It's okay, I already had a snack." Camila dug in her food

Y/N patiently sat waiting for her to finish, she fed him some because they were good

"Now, get ready and dress in something you would run in and also have a lazy. I'll be waiting down stairs." Y/N walked out, Camila walking into the bathroom to start her morning hygiene


Y/N was now driving to the first destination. He called all her close friends to participate in this activity. Camila was now whining to Y/N on where they're going. Y/N refusing to tell her the whole ride to her, they finally reached the bulding.

Barry's Laser tag Course

Camila got out the car jumping up and down of excitement. Once they entered the dim lit building, her friends surprised her by yelling 'happy birthday' and being her, she screamed back

They were all dressed in a vest and had guns in their hands. Camila turned around and saw Y/N with a vest and gun in his hands. Camila grabbed the vest and quickly put it on and grabbed the gun.

The group broke up in teams. Lilly, Cole, Madelaine, Casey, and Camila were on one team and Kj, Charles, Russ, Ashleigh, and Y/N on the other. They all started running in the dark, as for Y/N, he kept his profile low.

"Someone needs to fine Y/N!." Someone yelled causing him to hide in a dark secluded area

"Oh my gosh where is he?." He heard Veronica ask

"I've been shot!." Kj exaggerated falling to the ground

"Get up dingo, you have two more lives!." Kj in a rush, ran to somewhere

"Russ protect me from Cole!." Ashleigh yelled as she ran as quick as she can

"I'm coming for you!." Cole ran after Russ and Ashleigh

"That's cheating, I wasn't looking!." Madelaine told off Charles

"The game is all about high gaurd and survival sweetie!." Charles ran away as Madelaine groaned and pointed her gun running behind Charles

"Lilly we need to find Y/N!." He crouched down and slowly crawled. He saw Lilly, quickly hiding behind a post, he shot her from the back. She gasped looking around her

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