So I think I got tagged???

17 2 3

Ok GlueBuBBles I'm going to stop procrastinating

Coke or Pepsi?
Idk, to be honest I'll take either.
Books or Movies?
As much as I like reading books, movies are pretty great. And if I don't like it I can draw because movies are hands free
Pool or Beach?
Beach, because honestly I don't really swim but sandcastles are cool.
Singing or Dancing?
I hate both, but I'll sing if my friends do it with me. Because I can use them to tune out my awful singing lol.
Rain or Sun?
For some reason I like rain.
Dogs or Cats?
I like both, can I say that? I love kittens and doggos equally.
Outside or Inside?
Inside, unless my friends are outside.
Running or Swimming?
I'm an awful swimmer, and I hate running. But I really hate that part where you get out of whatever you're swimming in. So I'd rather run.
Full Name?
I don't really feel like sharing this yet?
Eye Color?
Dark brown
lol jk July 27

I kind of have an issue with tagging people? So, um, I don't know???
loupaerin Hey Mel do you want to do this? You don't have to if you don't want to, lol. If anyone wants to do this feel free.

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