Why won't he kiss me

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A/N: here you go Emma :D

Gavin's pov

'Why wouldn't he want to kiss me, he invited me on this date!?' I thought to myself as I awkwardly avoided eye contact. My hand which was still on top of Michaels, who had his hands on top of the starfish began to rise. Michael grabbed my hand squeezed it gently, I squeezed back and we began walking off to see something else. We awkwardly spent another ten minutes only saying a couple words to each other before heading back to the car.
"Hey gav, you hungry?" Michael asked like nothing had happened.
"Um yeah I guess," I mumbled.
"Gav, look at me." He said sternly.
I lifted my head slowly, when our eyes met Michael lifted his hands onto my cheeks and leaned in planting his lips firmly onto mine. The kiss lasted a couple seconds before we drifted apart. My head was spinning; my lips were tingling.
"Hey uh Gav don't pass out over there." Michael laughed. "Lets go find some food." I blushed and turned to face the window, the road and trees were rushing past as we drove along the road. We arrived at a take away place,ordered our food and decided we would eat it at Michaels. When we got back to his apartment I went to the fridge and got a beer for us both.
"Wanna play minecraft Mi-cool?" I called.
"Yeah okay Gav, lets build a house!" I said as I sat down on the brown leather couch.

Don't forget where you belong. (Mavin one-shot)Where stories live. Discover now