The Emo

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Song -Lock me up-  don't know the singer

Name- Arlyss Aki Morales-Gomez

Birthday- January 8

Age- 23

Hair Color- Black with dyed Brown at
the tips

Hair style normally down a little wavy, her hair sometimes covers her left eye. She just leaves it and let's it do what it wants to do. People sometimes think something is wrong with her eye but it's all right. She can't see that well and refuses to wear glasses.

Eyes- Dark Brown

Clothing type- She wears a mask that covers her nose and Mouth. The mask is black she always has her mask on. Pants and Shorts and sometimes skirts when wear a bathing suit. Hoodies almost all the time she loves them never leaves the house without one on.

Possessions - She never goes anywhere without her phone. Also she has a stuffed Black bear that she has had since the 7th grade and his name is Phoenix and she loves him so much when she needs comforting phoenix is always there.

Personality- Quiet ,Rude, sassy sarcastic... Her back story is really kinda rough but you'll get to it later in the story

She's the Emo also the E in E.T.S
She's the group leader she doesn't want to be but she just is. She has known The Talker And The Shy since 7th grade.

Her Favorite TV show is- my little horses but only the Talker and shy knows that. Also Any Anime type.

She likes the character from mystic messenger 'Jumin Han'

Favorite pony- PinkieCake

Her nickname is- Ace or Aki

Parents- personal

Siblings- Personal

Other family- Personal

Other things to know about her is that she's an insomniac which means she has a hard time sleeping, she has Anxiety. She has Depression and has her moments. Also has a bad Temper. She makes the most inappropriate jokes ever and has the most dirtiest mind ever. She is funny and Nice once you get to know her.

Well that's Arlyss Stay updated and the next will be The Talker....

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