Alternate Universe known as Crenon. It's a planet with only one ocean known as the Crotoné Sea. The planet is filled only of islands: with 13 main islands that are each surrounded by many smaller islands. Each main island is ruled by a god who appoints kings and queens to rule their smaller islands. At the top of planet Crenon is a large whirl-pool that serves as the entrance to the realm of those who have died. The whirl pool is guarded by sea monsters with no distinct shape. They serve to either block entrance to the realm or to grant access. The sea monsters are rumored to be the souls of those who have died before their lover, hoping to one day cross paths with their loved ones once again and join them in the realm of the dead. At the bottom of Crenon is a rock tower that shoots staright up into the sky a mile high and is made of rock that conducts electricty. It's rumored that at the top lives a god who controls the weather and the seas and is supreme to all the other gods. Eno patrols the sea. He was once a man. But after betraying the gods to find his lost love at sea, which the gods forbade him to do, he was cursed to forever ship the souls lost at sea to the Reef of Lost Souls - and can never be reunited with his lost love.
*I have a picture I sketched up of Crenon that I'll add later!*
AdventureFor Amelia, the title bastard is just a word. For society it's a brand - never trust a bastard, never show sympathy towards a bastard, never help a bastard. It doesn't exactly help either that she has since abandoned her ways of a princess and taken...