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My small, studded earring clicked as i pressed the piece of metal onto the point of the stud which held the jewel in place. I pulled my hair in front of my ears, pressing my hands into the roots allowing my hair a small amount of volume. I pulled on my sunglasses, sitting them in front of my eyes and finally took one last glance at the person that reflected in the mirror. Taking a deep and well needed breath, I adjusted the collar of my dress and stepped out of the door.

While holding my clutch in my right hand, I slipped my phone inside and clipped it closed  before being greeted by my brother,  my partner in crime and my only ounce of family remaining.

"Noel." i let out another sigh, allowing him to turn around. I was met with his deep brown eyes, and I watched as they locked onto my blue ones. They glistened with a whirlwind of emotions. Yet, an intense emotion over powering the others - grief.

"CC." His lips formed a light smile. "Are you ready?"

"I don't think a girl is ever ready to say goodbye to their mother" I sighed. "But i'm just going to say  yes." I whispered, allowing Noel to open the doors wide, pushing us out and into the carbonated air.

After a few tear-filled, depressing and agonising hours, we said our goodbyes. It was harder then I could ever imagine. I had never liked saying goodbye, especially not at that point and certainly not within the circumstances. I walked a good few metres ahead, avoiding any confrontation from other grievers; family or friends. I was weak and vulnerable. I didn't want anyone else to know, I didn't want that side of me to be known.

"CC!" My brothers voice boomed from behind me. While wiping a small falling tear from my cheek, i turned around with a tight, unhappy smile.
Noel stared at me for a few moments with complete and utter sorrow in his eyes.
"It'll be okay, CC." He soothed as his hand lightly grasped my own.
"I hate that.." I grumbled. "I hate when someone dies, at least one person says that."
"I've heard that so many times today already, Noel." I began. "But in reality everything won't be okay. Mum is gone, Noel. She isn't coming back. She won't be here for the birth of her grandchildren, or to watch her kids get married. She isn't going to be able to scream of joy when I surprise her with my homecoming, and she's not going to be able to encourage you in your surgeries. She's gone and the worst part is... We didn't even know she was dying! We could have said goodbye! We could have had a chance" I screamed as incontrollable tears fell down my face.

That's when the sobs began to erupt. That was the moment that I had completely lost it. Noel's arms wrapped themselves around my petite body in attempt of concealing the outside world from my worries and fears. Brick by brick, my walls came tumbling down. As I pressed my head further into Noel's chest, the tears in my eyes turned the rainy day into a whirlwind of grays and yellows. At his point, I didn't care who saw. I just broke down. The sobs punched through, ripping through my muscles, bones and guts. I could feel my heart yank in and out of my chest. It pulled in and out like a yo-yo, over and over again - in and out. I was hollow and I could feel my life crumble in my fingertips. Noel was there, he reached into my hollowness - attempting to fill in the empty hole that I called my heart.

I cherished this moment; embraced it like it were our last.
Little did we know...

It was.

Bridges :: Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now