Part 6 The Creator's Clue

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After we leave the school we head into the woods to rest we see a huge tree, I haven't slept in months my wife says "hunny go sleep with Gabe i'll watch out." "You sure?" I ask "yes go to sleep you need the rest," I open my bag and pull out my sleeping bag and my pillow. I take out my gun in my hand and I fall asleep, I think I awoke at 1:00 pm because I slept well. My wife is sleeping against a tree with my machete in her lap. I get up out of my sleeping bag and I leave the woods but I hear something, "sounds like birds chriping." I look at the school playground and nothing is their so I head back to camp.

As I arrive my wife awakes quickly pulling my machete at my throat, "oh sorry" she says then she falls asleep again. I look at Gabe and he is sleeping as well as a bird I crawl back into my sleeping bag, and I fall asleep. I awake to a tall man walking at me their is three of them still human but pretty buff, looking I jump out of my bag and I aim my gun at them. "What do you wan't?" I ask "shhhhh easy my name is Thresh Morson," I look at him he is black and is stacked with weapons. "I tryed to find people to save but you three are the only humans that I've seen in a month." 

Thresh sets a huge book down by me on top of it says THE DEAD, "what is that mean?" i ask "just go threw it." He must think i'm stupid soon as i read that book he will probly attack me, i look at him like he's stupid. "I get it" he says as he throws all his weapons on the ground, I look in the book and it shows pictures of the zombies and how they walk and why they can't speak. And what they are attracted to. "Their love noise whenever they hear any loudness they go to it, and if they see a human the first thing they think is food. They love the taste of humans  but how they travel is they normaly go alone and search for food.

But what they hate so much that drives them away is dogs, if they see a dog then they will run away thats because the creator of these monstors is hiding. The are usally anywhere where it is loud" "how do you know all this?" I ask " well I found this in a libary my son loved it so i gave it to him but one night when we where watching tv we sall it was real, a zombie showed up at are door step and my son answerd it.

He died my wife turned into one of them so i escaped and picked up these two guys the are my brothers, then one day I sall a old man looked like a scientist but his fae was half zombie half human he was smart. A huge pack of zombies didn't even touch him they just looked at him for five minutess then they left him alone, on the other hand I once went to Michigan and the zombies where worse. They could run faster than anybody they could smell your blood a mile away, and worse of all they travel in packs here they are stupid but the only state that hasent been overun by zombies in America, is Hawwii they hate water you splash water on them and they will freak out and smash into things.

 I get off the ground and say "where do we go from here?" "first go to the airport thats the best place you can hide at but being down here one of these days they will find youll here" the gie and his to brothers vanish. After packing up me and Gabe and D start walking down the road, after walking for a while we come to a walmart building. Their are sevral cars parked their I look at walmart and it is quiet,

We head up to the door and open it the lights our dead so it is dark I bump into something "look out" i say to Gabe, but suddenly I see two glowng eyes walking toward us. We hide under a bench I pull my gun out and wait. The zombie stops next to us then keeps walking by, we gen from under the bench and we head down the  hall sddenly sevral yellow glowing eyes look at us..............I pause for a while suddenly the lights ccome on and their is a whole crowd of zombies staring at us.

I see a huge jug of water I open it and chuck it on the floor making the floor wet from us, the zombies back up a little. I chuck sevral jugs of water at them, the zombies begin to freak out. Suddenly I begin to brag "come on you turds that all you got afraid of water." I pull out a small bag of whiskey I dump it in one of the jugs and, I throw the jug at them as I shoot it it explodes. Burning sevral zombies.

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