'Words Mean Nothing

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'Words mean nothing'

He used to think no one cared, that no one loved but that all changed when he met Jung Hoseok and it all started 2 years ago.

When Min Yoongi moved to England, he left his friends behind thinking they no longer cared. Fearing the end, he ended the relationships between them and left the country he had once called home. Not wanting to feel the pain that friendship harboured, he promised himself never to talk again and with that he formed imaginary stitches over his mouth preventing speech.

Jung Hoseok on the other hand had moved to England that same year, he left his friends, in search for new. Leaving because he felt the need to be free. Although he may have ended relationships back home, he would still cherish them for years to come. Loving the challenge that friendship harboured, he promised himself to make the people around him smile. Fearing peoples sadness he formed an aura pulling people towards him, to comfort them.

You can start to see the clash between the two, but it takes a very powerful clash to create the best of results.

Spring time, that's when it happened. The birds were singing and the sun was shining, Jung Hoseok had just finished Vocal Practice with the school band when we walked past the old Music Room, in which a shaggy red haired boy was playing the piano. Jung Hoseok could have sworn he was the next Mozart but he could tell that the boy was in pain, so with one swift shove on the door, everything changed.

"Hi, I'm Jung Hoseok. You are amazing, who taught you? Mozart? Beethoven? Chopin?" he said in a joking manner, but all the boy did was stare deep into his chestnut eyes with his sullen grey eyes. When the boy jumped to his feet Jung Hoseok was very shocked as the shaggy red haired boy gathered his music sheets and ran for the door.

Min Yoongi could not shake the feeling that he knew Jung Hoseok from somewhere and that scared him, he was not ready to face the challenges and sacrifices of friendship, not after last time....

Weeks had passed but to no extent had Jung Hoseok been able to find his shaggy red haired boy, with the boy's piano melody stuck in his head. In search of the boy, he had asked students around the school but no boy or girl had heard nor seen of him. On an especially poor day, that's when he found the boy but something was wrong and very wrong.

Min Yoongi was done, he felt there was no more a purpose to his existence so that day was the day he would finally end it, but he didn't know it would be ended in a much more unexpected way. The day had been planned for years, Min Yoongi had planned it for this day because that day was the day his only family had thrown him to the streets and no longer cared, the day he left his home and the day he left this world. Min Yoongi felt that the world was against him. That day was the day that all of his suffering was put to an end.

Pills? Weapon? Poison? Hanging? Or Drowning? no one knew how Min Yoongi was planning to end it or that his plan was even in place. The only thing that Jung Hoseok knew was that when he found Min Yoongi he was playing the piano, the piece was sad and it reflected the mystery of the red haired boy and then it happened, something that made Jung Hoseok's heart stop. Min Yoongi was on the floor and not moving.

It was dark when Min Yoongi woke up and he was not at the home he was used to there were medical lines attached to his body and restraints around his arms. He looked to his side to see the familiar boy at his bedside. Min Yoongi started crying but let no sound out, when Jung Hoseok awoke he was startled to see Min Yoongi crying. And this is what changed everything for the better, what Jung Hoseok had said was gold to Min Yoongi.

"You need to stay in this world! If not for yourself but for myself! I can't explain how you made me feel when you fell to the floor that day, but please if you think you can no longer go on in this world, come to me and I will go with you!" The thing was, Jung Hoseok was willing to take that risk and that's when Min Yoongi spoke "Please stay by my side, don't leave me like everybody else! Just please...... stay"

For two more years they continued on together and never talking to another person that made the other insecure, until the time came when Min Yoongi wanted to leave this world and Jung Hoseok gladly went with Min Yoongi. How? You ask? Well I guess that's a mystery for the both of us...

So how do I know this? Well I was the one who found their bodies resting together hand in hand with Min Yoongi nestled in Jung Hoseok's arms. There was a letter from Jung Hoseok and Min Yoongi titled 'Words mean Nothing' explaining their story and how they won't regret what's in the past.

It not what's in the past that matters it's the words you use in that instance. I hope that Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok had finally realised that they were the most impossible of friends but with faith, they prevailed.

'Words Mean Everything'.


I am actually really happy about how this turned out and I am really curious as to what you think and if you would like a continuation of this story.

Please i knowIam not a very good writer but I am proud of what I have done, so please do not shame me for killing both of them off because that was apart of the assignment.

I had to kill off one character and i could bare to leave one lonely so they died happily together hand in hand.

Thank you all and I will start to work on my new one!! :)

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