Chapter One

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"I'm home!" I called, opening my door only to find my empty apartment. I sighed, closing the door behind me and cooking some instant ramen.

Ah, ramen. The one thing that never fails to make me happy. The only thing I can count on in this village.

Happily, I eat the whole thing in about a minute. Afterwards I got a nice hot shower and climbed into bed.

"Freak," one muttered.

"Stay away from him," another told their kid.

"Demon," another spat.

"Oh, it's that kid."

I tried my best to ignore the insults. I tried not to let it show how much it bothered me. I kept my head down and kept walking.

That's all I was to this village. A freak. An outsider. A demon. And all for what? Because of the damn nine tails in me. Because I'm a jinchuuriki? It isn't my fault that this thing was put inside me!

I sighed and continued my way to training. Sakura, Sasuke, and Kakashi were already there, waiting. Wow, Kakashi was actually on time for once.

"You're late idiot." Sasuke said annoyed.

"Yeah Naruto, I mean even Kakashi beat you here and he is always here at least an hour late." Sakura added.

"Sorry. Can we just start now?" I asked turning towards Kakashi.

"You don't seem like yourself today Naruto, is everything ok?" He replied.

I plastered a smile on my face and laughed off his question. "Yeah just got up on the wrong side of the bed I guess."

Kakashi nodded but out of the corner of my eye I saw Sasuke giving me a skeptical look. Better than a glare right?

Kakashi had us battle against each other, Sakura was the first to go down, though the entire terrain was messed up from her crazy strength. Then it was just Sasuke and I left.

I quickly made a few shadow clones, two went to distract Sasuke and the last made the rasengan. Sasuke just as fast defeated the shadow clones but I attacked him from behind. He turned on his heel and blocked the attack seconds before it was to strike him. Sadly he won, kicking me back into a tree.

"Good job Sasuke." Kakashi said. "Now I have some important business to attend... so... bye!" He waved and then he left.

"Aw but we barely did anything!" I complained crossing my arms.

"Whatever loser. It's not like you did anything. I barely had to do anything to beat you." Sasuke glared at me. "You were lame out there. I was wrong to expect a better fight from you."

"And you are always so useless on missions! You always get in the way or ruin things. I'm still surprised you even passed the final exam at the academy!" Sakura added, crossing her arms.

"Geez, sorry that I'm such a nuisance all the time.." I whispered under my breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." I muttered looking away. "Sorry I'm such a disappointment."

Sakura's expression softened. "Naruto I didn't-"

"No it's fine. Really." I smiled back at her, fighting the urge to cry. After all my teammates just belittled me. "That just means I'll have to work that much harder to become a better Ninja right?"

"I guess..." Sasuke said, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"Cya!" I exclamed before turning and running down the street.

People in the crowd stumbled back allowing me to pass. I don't know if it was out of fear or just because they were startled but either way I was grateful. I got home quicker but was too mad at myself to even welcome myself home.

I took my jacket off, throwing it on the bed as I passed, and made a b-line for the bathroom.


I fumbled around in the drawers.


Finally I found it, picking up the blade.


I slide the metal across my wrist, making a long deep cut that was going to become a scar sooner or later, just like all the others.


The crimson blood dripped down onto the bathroom floor as I made more cuts.


I heard the creaking open of my apartment door just before I was about to make a cut down my wrist.

We Are Infinite   {Sasuke x Naruto}Where stories live. Discover now