Chapter 1

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Everyone in this floor seems so busy.

The fashion designers are running around, heading to different studios with clothes hanging on his body, his hands hugging pairs of sneakers that seem to fall out anytime soon—I hope not. The editors are seriously gluing their eyes on their computers-they are not even blinking once. Even my boss—Miss Gloria, her stilettos sound so sharp on the wooden floor, just saying how busy she is and how she doesn't any interruptions and distractions from anything. The photographers are rushing to me, giving confirmations about the photo shoots we have today.

Here, in Olivier Agency office—which is located in the 4th floor of the Thompson Building, we have 4 divisions to manage and handle the process of making, producing, editing, designing, capturing, and publishing the magazine each month, called Americans.

First division is Creative Division. We call them the givers. They come up with different themes and sub theme each month and hold a meeting with the chief editor, which makes them really important. They are the foundation of every published magazine.

Second division is Design Division. We call them, well, the designers. They design outfits according to the themes that are given by the givers and also they design the office decorations.

Third division is Photography Division. And I am the head of this division. And yes, we call ourselves the photographers. We do photo shoots, we follow the journalists, or travel alone around the country, event overseas, abroad, everywhere. We are the ones who travel a lot.

Fourth division is Journalism Division. We call them the writers. They make the best stories ever published in our magazines. They travel too, just like us photographers.

The last division is Publishing House. We call them the Hope Team because they edit, do the final touch, then publish. We put the best and biggest hope in them.

I did the introduction of where I work and I welcome you to my amazing life where distractions are not allowed here, focus are always needed here, just like my camera. Just like I said, I hate distractions. My staffs—the other photographers—know me that way.

Entering the studios one by one, making sure the photo shoots go by just fine, I finally reach the photographers room and write in the whiteboard that there will be an important photo shoot tomorrow, which is for the July edition. We're doing a photo shoot with the US Army and I have to make sure the photographer that is in charge—Candice remembers and prepares everything. I write the biggest alphabets: US ARMY SHOOT TOMORROW!!

After that, I walk out and ring the bell to announce it to everyone. "Tomorrow, we have a photo shoot with the US Army in Studio 4 at 8 o'clock sharp. Thank you for the attention," I say aloud. They nod then get back to work what they are working.

I pull out my phone from my pocket and dial Candice's number. She is doing a photo shoot in Central Park but she'll be finished by now. "Hello, Candice."

"Hey, Louisa. Is there something wrong?"

"No, I just want to remind you, you have a photo shoot with the US Army tomorrow at 8 sharp. I don't want you to be late and make them wait up for you, okay?"

"Understood, boss."

"Okay, I hope you get back here before going back home."

"Sure, Lou. I'm heading back now."


Tommy—the head of designer team—walks in the room and sits down next to me. "So, I want to check for tomorrow shoot with the US Army. The background color is light blue, like this." He shows me a piece of fabric in his book of fabric collections. "And an American flag, waving in the air."

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