☘ Chapter 2 ☘

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Draco was pulling her so hard; she couldn't get away from him. He had one large hand wrapped around both of her wrists. She couldn't believe how strong he was. She felt helpless as he shoved her to an empty classroom and locked the door. Once he let go, she wasted no time and grabbed her wand, aiming it at his chest.

He merely stood there, unfazed.

"I don't know what you're up to, Malfoy, but you have to stop right now." She felt her voice rising in anger and irritation. "You think you can just beat someone up and then act as if nothing happened? You think you can get away with this? I don't know why Blaise isn't talking. I reckon you have something against him, but everyone else who witnessed you bloody pound him? That's just ridiculous! They can't all be scared of you! You- you did something!"

She could feel her anger getting the best of her. So, she let it all out. It had been bottled up inside her mind for quite some time now. When he didn't say respond, she continued. "Then what? You snog me in front of everybody! Merlin what's wrong with you!"

"Are you done?" he asked in a bored voice.

The words died in her throat. The effect he had on her was frightening. What was it with him that made her so unsure of herself?

One sentence from him had been enough to stun her to silence.

"You don't know anything, love," he said slowly, as if he was talking to a child again, someone who wouldn't understand.

She felt the rage bubble in her once again.

"Stop talking to me like I'm a child, Malfoy!" She was poking her wand at his chest now, threatening him. He didn't even wince. "I know well enough not to tolerate your actions!"

"Which is stupid if you ask me," he drawled lazily.

"Well no one's asking, you sodding-"

"Are you, Granger?" he interrupted. He took a step forward and she took two steps back. His expression changed from boredom to utter amusement, and he was looking at her like she was a piece of fresh meat. "Scared, I mean."

"No," she said almost automatically. She would never admit to him that she was scared. However, her voice had cracked slightly and she unconsciously backed another step.

No, indeed.

Suddenly, he grabbed her by the shoulders and shoved her roughly against the door. She groaned in pain. He slammed his left hand loudly beside her head, making her jump. His right hand stayed limp against his side. It had happened so fast that she hadn't had time to react. She saw her wand rolling on the floor a foot or so away from her. The panic started sinking in completely now. She tried to push him away but he slammed her roughly against the door again, only harder this time.

"You see, you have got to stop doing this, Granger," he said, one cold hand brushing her cheek. She flinched at the sudden contact. "You can't be so vulnerable all the time."

There was something in his eyes; she did not know what it was. It was hiding behind the pools of grey but she saw it. It looked so strong and intense that even with his straight face it was still visible.

Draco Malfoy had beautiful, haunting eyes.

"What if I was a bad person?" he whispered teasingly in her ear. His hands moved from her cheek to her shoulder, her elbow to her hand, sending shivers down her spine. She couldn't stop herself from trembling. "What if I was actually a murderer, hmm?"

When he started pulling at her left hand and sliding the sleeve of her robe off of her wrist, she desperately felt the urge to get away from him.

"Do you even know what they're saying about us?" he said while examining her wrist. She winced at the word 'us.' There is no 'us', she wanted to say. "They said we were having this secret love affair. Can you believe it? But Zabini wanted to interfere, so I got rid of him." He sniggered, never letting go of her hand. He was massaging it lightly with his thumb. His skin felt cold against hers. "And then they thought I didn't want anyone near you so I snogged you."

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