Clarity's P.O.V
"You can go home now Clarity. We aren't working with the virus any further than this, it's too risky." My boss Derek walked out of my office and left me to my paperwork.
I document scientific experiments and diseases. Any new virus or diseases that scientist work with I record everything with them and document all things for them. The new one we are working with coming from mad cow, they were never contagious. Mad Cow Disease came along. It attacks the cow's spinal cord and brain, turning it into a stumbling, mindless attack cow and, when humans eat the meat that's when Mad Cow gets into humans, they call it . Check out the symptoms:
Changes in gait (walking)
Lack of coordination (for example, stumbling and falling)
Muscle twitching
Myoclonic jerks or seizures
Rapidly developing delirium or dementia
One thing we never released is that my co-worker Mary got attacked by one of our patients and killed. She then rose from the dead and tried to attack the main scientist here, Derek. He has since then been working with blood samples from her but her cells in her brain are dead and she has no heart so we are scarce on blood samples. Little does everyone know after two years we have not found a cure for the virus Mary was given. We would usually call it Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease but with Mary's case we now call it the Phantasm-Chimera which is a made up name that we have created but they each individually have a definition, together we have made it mean 'imaginary elusive monster' well, was imaginary.
Okay enough with boring you for facts that don't really matter because Mary is the only carrier so as long as her blood isn't spread and she doesn't get loose we should be perfectly safe. I finally have finished my work and clean up my desk and go to the lounge to grab a cup of coffee. I make my pot and start to put my coffee in my cup that says 'I may not touch the virus but I know it kills, so don't get on my bad side' my sister custom ordered me that cup before she passed away in a car crash. It's like a little inside joke we have. I open the cabinet and grab a twinkie and sit down at the table. I glaced at the clock to see it was 10:30 at night. I'm so tired but I visit Mary everynight, I know she doesn't know me anymore but it's more like a respectful thing. Most people respect the dead and bring them flowers, I think if one of my closest friends is a walking corpse I can at least go see her.
I took my keys and unlocked the metal basement door to be brought with our new security. "Hello fellow personal, place face in scanner." I huff and place my face in front the scanner and laser like beam scans my face and Sarah our computer welcomes me, "Welcome Clarity Ann Elizabeth Michael, please watch your step as you proceed forward." She then gives me extra lights so I can see the room numbers. I find room 89 which holds Mary.
"Sarah untint room hold 89." The glass like wall then un-tints and I am faced with an empty room I bring my brows together in confusion, "Sarah, where is patient number 824 by the name of Mary Nicole Ambers?"
"Mary Nicole Ambers, patient number 824 is in room hold 89."
I look around the room again and am confused to see nobody in the room. "Recheck for patient number 824 by the name of Mary Nicole Ambers please."
"Mary Nicole Ambers, patient number 824 is in room hold 89."
I move on to stand in front of room 90 and asked Sarah to do the same thing and once again was brought to an empty room.
"Sarah please scan security cameras in hallways FY and B4 for me." I wait as she scans the hallways and she starts to speak.
"Code Red lockdown is being performed in 45 seconds. Standby." Red lights started to flash and I ran upstairs and left the basement and locked the door as fast as I could. It's not like Sarah to just let patients out.
"Sarah what the hell happened to our patients?" I ran into my office and locked the door pushing my desk in front of the door. I've seen what those things are capable of and I don't want to be caught with one.
"Security A breach has been attacked lockdown in 40 seconds. Standby."
I grab my phone and turn it on and dial Derek's phone number. I hear the ring and someone answer, "Hello? Clarity, what can I do for you?"
"Derek there's been a lockdown, I went to visit Mary and I checked her room and room 90 and they're empty I asked Sarah to check the cameras and she just said that the building was locking down. I'm so scared what Mary and everyone got away?" I started to grab my papers going through them to see if I had missed something in their behavior.
"What do you mean nobody is in their room holds? Put me on speaker let me talk to Sarah." I put the phone and speaker and allowed him to talk, "Sarah scan hallways GH and JM and all exits for me." We gave her a minute to scan and let her speak.
"All patients have broken through hallways DS and MK exits, lockdown in 30 seconds. Standby." My phone went dead and the lights shut off but the emergency lights came on.
"Sarah scan hallway B12." that's the hallway my office is in, yes i've memorized every hallway and exits. It's part of out training so I kinda have to. Also, thank generators for giving power for Sarah.
"Hallway B12 is clear. Lockdown in 15 seconds." I grab my building map and highlighter.
"Hold lockdown." I highlighted my hallway and am going to ask the fastest route out and have her check the hallways.
"Lock down on hold." I grabbed a flashlight and my pocket knife, like that was going to do anything, "scan hallway B7," she cleared the hallway and I highlighted it, "scan hallways DP and WE," same thing happened and I was ready to leave this place. I knew if I stayed I could be safe but if I also stayed this place could be overran, Sarah only last four days after electricity is cut. Our doors would unlock and we would be open for anyone to join the party. I have no clue what's going on outside but I know those bites are like zombies, or as I say, walkers. To say I was scared shitless was an understatement I already shitted my pants when Mary wasn't in her room, I think I might've died a little because I swear my heart stopped at the realization of what has happened.
I pushed the desk from my door and clicked the flashlight on and slowly opened the door, "Sarah self lock down when I have exited the building and only open doors to keys but re lock once door is shut, follow me and tell me if anything or anyone is ahead if you see movement ahead of me tell me." I begin to walk and listen to Sarah, I will miss her so much. I know she's just a voice from the speakers and a computer but she's also my friend. I trust her, she doesn't snitch. I will say I have heard her slip a few secrets of Derek's but, she's never told mine.
I reach the front doors and begin to speak to her again, "Goodbye Sarah, I'll miss you sassy pants." I smiled but let a tear fall. This place was basically my second home, all my friends worked here, I've never known anything different.
"Insults don't hurt Clarity, I am programmed to help not listen to your bitchy comments." I laughed, how much I will miss this crabby computer.
"Don't push it girly," I took one last look around and started to leave but paused when I started to unlock the front door to leave, "oh and Sarah only speak to workers, no random strangers."
"As you wish. Goodbye see you tomorrow at sunrise like every other day."
I kinda feel bad that she doesn't know what's going on. I pushed the door open to find an empty alley way but the screams aren't far. I need to see what's going on even though it's not hard to guess. I push the flashlight into my belt and pull of my knife and open it.
1442 words

Fallen world in a war for dead
Mystery / ThrillerClarity is on her way to visit her friend who used to work with her but got a virus while in her job. What happens when the room is empty and nobody is left in the building? quote: "Mary Nicole Ambers, patient number 824 is in room hold 89." I loo...