Chapter 1

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"Dirk what's the status of the engines down there?"
"Well, the main engines are kaput, and the secondary engines are on their last limbs."
"So we'll be running on backup backup engines soon, correct?"
There was a sudden silence on the other end of the coms. "Dirk? Bridge to engineering."
"The... the last engines have been shot down." Came the reply of the head engineer. "S-secondary engines will be failing in less than five minutes."
The captain of the starship let out a breath. "Sound the alarm."
Instantly, red lights came on and a siren blasted. "Lieutenant LaLonde, put me through to the entire ship."
"Yes, Captain." Rose pressed a button on her panel and John took another breath. "This is your captain, speaking. All... all personal to the life pods. Abandon ship. I repeat, all personal to the life pods, abandon ship. Now."
John pressed the small button on his chair. "Dirk, that's double for you and anyone else who's down there- get your asses out of there."
"Just our asses, Capt-"
"Yes, sir!"
John stood and looked out the bridge's window. They were approaching the planet's orbit just fast enough.
"Captain, we've been pulled into the planet's orbit!" Dave called. "How many life pods have left, Roxy?"
"Uh- uh- all of them except for the ones for us and some of engineering!" She replied. John looked over at his bridge's crew. "Everyone out."
Rose looked at John. "Captain, you're coming with us."
John shook his head. "Not until you're all off safely." Dave sighed. "God, I hate the fact that you get to boss me around." With that, Dave left, followed by Rose and Roxy.
John went to Roxy's panel and looked over the life pod count, watching the number available drop. He saw the number at 4, and once it was at 1 he looked up at the planet that the ship was coming closer and closer to. He sighed and turned, then quickly left the bridge. He got into the last escape pod and buckled himself in, before the pod shot off into space.

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