Rolling My Eyes

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Don't hesitate to vote, comment, fan, all those sweet stuff if you like it! It may sound cliche but I assure you, it's not. Well, I just hope you'll like it. Please do read on! (Oh, and Kitch loves the word freaking. Hahaha!)

Summer Class


Here we freaking go again. For years I’ve been living in this house with my little brother, together in a room, why doesn’t he get that what I hate most is the explosive atomic bomb. What’smore disgusting is the release of such chemicals in front of the freaking electric fan. He has the worst farts a child can secrete ever.

                “AUGGH! How many times have I told you that this room is absolutely fart-free?” I fan both of my hands in front of my face to get rid of the deadly smell.

                “Rise and shine, my SISTA! It’s the first day of summer class downtown! We can’t be late. Julie’s going to be there!”

          Shrugging, I snug under the covers and try to go back to sleep. I remember Ray has painting class while I have guitar class today. Mom enrolled both of us for summer classes because of her new job at this pet shop. She’ll often be away and most of the time that she is, I’m in-charge.

                She thinks that summer class is the solution against boredom. If we go to summer class, we’ll be busy enough that we won’t watch TV all summer long. At least, for this summer to be different, we’ll finally be doing something productive.

          Ray jumps over me and rocks the whole bed, making me feel dizzy.

                “Wake up! Wake up! WAKE UP!” Ray screams with his little, cute voice.

                “Go shower first! Bother me when you’re done.” I grumble as I try to reach for the alarm clock under my bed. I turned it off last night that I may rest in peace but it seems my brother has other plans. I know that the reason he woke up this early, which actually never happens, is because of Julie, his crush. In fact, she’s the reason why he enrolled in painting class instead of taking violin class.

                For the record though, he and Julie looks cute together. My brother has goldilocks hair and deep, sapphire eyes which I’ve always been jealous of while Julie has long, straight brown hair with dark, black eyes. My brother is giddy and, most of the time, out of control while Julie is this quiet and shy bookworm. They’ve known each other ever since kindergarten and since then, the two has been inseparable.

                Isn’t it cute? Opposites do attract.


                “Pinky swear.” I reply.

                I raise my hand out of the covers and hold out my pinky. I can feel his tiny finger wrapping around mine, making this a promise. I don’t know when and how we started doing these pinky swears but it’s been a way for us to resolve things—through promises.

                I struggle to sit up, blinking a few times to absorb my room drenched in sunlight, as he gets off of my bed. He turns and with his thin legs, moves straight towards the door. It seems that he has already outgrown the Mickey Mouse pajama that I love seeing on him. “Um, Ray.”

                He turns his head and looks at me with question in his eyes, leaving his hand on the doorknob and the door ajar. He raises both of his eyebrows, making his big blue eyes appear larger.

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