It all started here

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It all started March 26th 2014. I was making a sexy sandwich made with nuetella and provolone cheese complete with ba nay nay slices.

I was so excited to eat it, it looked so hot in the microwave oven.

27 seconds left...

I checked my titter account hoping for followers.

17 seconds..

I was angry

" why titter!!?? WHY NO FOLLOWERS?!"

*beep beep*

I hit my head on the counter

My head hurt after that I don't know why

I started to cry but still managed to grab my nuetella sammich out of the microwave

And that's when it happened

I still to this day can not comprehend

I dropped it

I dropped it

I dropped the yummy sammich

I couldn't breath

I can't breath it's gone

I cried, " I'm running away" I managed to say through tears

I grabbed my play-doh and my favorite picture of a spider monkey floating gracefully in the darkness of space. It reminded me of my uncle's mustashe but he died it teal to go with his favorite pair of socks.

I packed my things in the toilet plunger holder. It didn't fit, which of corse made me even more upset. So I used my sweet skills to sew a handle onto it.

All I could think at that moment was " I got so much swagg right now"

I kept running but I was so upset I tripped. I stayed on the ground for awhile because I looked cute there cuz I am actually a model. People usually take a lot of pictures of me when I fall down, probebly cuz they are trying to get my good angles.

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