To be or not to be?

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Chapter 1

It starts on a warm summers day, not long after they had finally all reached the end of year 11. It had been a couple of years since they'd had hot weather like this so Abby, Cleo and Gary had decided to take advantage of it while it lasts; they decided to open up a YouTube account and upload random videos of them doing stupid stuff. Such as attempting to do yogo and the doritos roulette challange.

All was going well for the first week or two of their 7 weeks holiday from education, when Gary decided he wanted his friend Troy to go out with them while they do their videos. Troy and Gary met up and set off on their way to meet Abby and Cleo on the field.

"Ugh, Gary's not here yet why's he always gotta be late" Said Cleo sarcastically.
"I don't know maybe he's just a little busy or maybe helping his mom first?" Replied Abby.
"I'm sooo bored though and we can't do anything until everyone is here else it's weird, it just shouldn't be done" said Cleo whilst laughing at herself.
"Well wherever he is I'm sure he has a good explanation as to why it takes his diva butt so long to get ready and with us" Laughed Abby

Cleo looks at Abby and they both smile at each other cuddle up under their jackets and start singing at the top of their lungs random songs off their phones whilst they waited for Gary to join them.

Abby and Cleo didn't know that Troy would be accompanying them so they set plans to do different challenges or tasks so to say. As Gary and Troy arrived Abby and Cleo seemed to be play fighting on the field rolling around on the grass, being weird as per usual,
"what are you doing, you freaks?" Laughed Gary.
Troy stood near Gary watching the girls.
Cleo immediately jumps off Abby as she sees Troy is standing there.
"And what are you doing here?" Asked Cleo.
"Urm.....hi, ugh.... Gary invited me to come?" Replied Troy
"Stop cock blocking Cleo!" Cried Gary
Abby stood laughing hysterically in the background. Cleo walks over to Abby in disappointment, but accepting that Troy is Gary's friend she puts up with Troy being with them.

A couple hours go by and now it's around 4:00pm.
"Soo, what do we do now?" Asked Abby.
"I don't know about you guys but I'm going to my Nans for food, I don't know if I'll be allowed back out so you guys carry on without me for the rest of the day" explains Cleo.
"Okay Cle, lube you!" Shouts Abby.
"Lube you too Abs!" Shouts Cleo
"What?" Asks Troy.
"Shush babe you're gonna take him from me" says Gary.
Abby laughs at Gary's comment.
"Let's go for a walk?" Asks Abby.
"Yeah sure" Replies Gary and Troy.

Chapter 2

Abby, Gary and Troy walk for and hour before they all arrive where Troy had demanded they should go as he said it was the best spot to hang around at. Abby looks confused because it was all grass and water for miles, she had no clue where she was. However, Abby wasn't going to let this stop her from having fun, she continued walking for a while enjoying the nature when suddenly...

"Aauugghh" Screamed Abby.
"What is it bae?" Shouted Gary.
"Th-there's a bee! There's a bee!" Shouted Abby as she ran away squealing.
Troy and Gary both stand looking at each other and burst out laughing at Abby.
"It's not funny guys, seriously it's following me. HELP!" Cried Abby.

Troy comes over to her and shoos the bee away while crying with laughter at Abby. Gary's phone rings so he picks it up, it's his mom so they talk for a little bit. Whilst Gary is on the phone Troy pulls Abby aside.
"What you doing tomorrow?" Asks Troy.
"Nothing really, I'm going with my aunt to get her tattoo done and then probably just hanging round with Cleo and Gary again, why do you ask?" Replied Abby.
"I was wondering is you want to hang round just us tomorrow, if that's okay?" Says Troy.
"Urm....sure why not? I'll message you when I get back from the tattoo place." Abby whispers.
"Why were you always so quiet in school? It made you seem kinda boring and nerdy" Explains Troy.
"Well that's not very nice, you should never judge a book by its cover! I never talked because I don't have many friends, I find it hard to approach people face to face, if I wasn't with Cleo and Gary today I wouldn't have spoken to you" laughed Abby.
Troy smiles at Abby, Abby returns the smile with a playful giggle. Gary says by to his mom and goes over to Troy and Abby.

They stand in awkward silence until Abby checks her phone for the time.
"Well I best start setting back home as I have to be in before 8" explains Abby.
"Okay well we'll walk you back" says Gary.

Abby, Gary and Troy start walking back to Abby's house. Troy is on his phone all the way walking Abby home.
"Waiting for an important text are we?" Asks Abby.
"Nope, just messaging a friend" says Troy happily as he smiles at Abby.

They finally arrive at Abby's house at 19:55.
"Thanks for today guys it's been fun" says Abby.
"Love you bae" Replies Gary.
"See you" says Troy.
Abby goes into her house and shuts the door after waving good bye.

Chapter 3

Once Abby had settled at home, she decided to look on facebook like she did everyday just to see if there was anything new going on. Just then her phone started pinging, she had a few messages come through and a friends request.
"What on ea-" She interrupted herself.
"Oohh" She said calm and quietly.
The friend request was from Troy and so were the messages. Abby decided to reply and have a little conversation with Troy.

*Troy* Hey, you okay?
*Abby* Hey, yes are you?
*Troy* I'm good, it was fun today 🙊
*Abby* Good, it was yes 😀
*Troy* Do you want to come round mine tomorrow morning after you've been with your auntie?🙊🙊
*Abby* Um, I'm not too sure, will Nelly be there?
*Troy* I can make sure Nelly isn't here as I know you don't get on with her much 😏
*Abby* Yes that would be great thanks 😄
*Troy* Good😋
*Abby* Anyways, I'm gonna go to sleep been as I have to be up early, goodnight😊
*Troy* okay night😳🙊

Abby gets herself ready for bed setting her alarm for 08:30 as she has to be round her aunts house for 09:30 the next morning. Abby Dreams about what happened that day, why was Troy taking a liking to her? She didn't understand, non of this makes any sense to her.

Abby wakes up frightened as her alarm makes her just when it goes off.

"I thought the heart attacks were over, how wrong was I?" Abby giggled.

Abby got herself up and dressed and ready to set off to meet her aunt. Before she left her home she decided to message Troy.
*Abby* Good morning 🙊
Abby waited for around 5 minutes for a reply but Troy didn't answer, Abby grabbed her keys and phone and set out to catch the bus to her aunts house.

When she arrived at her aunts, her phone started pinging again.
*Troy* Good morning beautiful🙊😳
Abby just looked to see who it was and put her phone back into her pocket. Abby knocked on her aunts door.

"Come on in abs I'll only be 5 minutes and we can set out to the next bus" shouted Liz
"Okay Liz" Replied Abby.

Liz and Abby made their way to the next bus they needed to take to get to the tattoo shop. They were laughing and joking, having a little fun before they get there. Liz wasn't too nervous as she'd had tattoos done before this day, she was a little worried because she didn't know the tattooist too well so she didn't know what to expect of his work. They eventually got to the tattoo studio and we're in there for around an hour, nothing too long. Once the tattooist had finished Liz paid him said thank you and off they went to catch the bus back to Liz's house where Abby would then catch the bus back to her house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2017 ⏰

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