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You pov

Me: where are you? I woke up alone😩

Babygirl😍: i had an interview remember

Me: oh yeah i forgot

Me: come quick so we can go to our date

Babygirl😍: that's today?!

Me: you forgot?

Babygirl😍: I'm so sorry!

Me: no its fine don't worry

Babygirl😍: its not fine i forgot our first date

Me: i said its fine

Babygirl😍: promise?

Me: no.... Ok i am a little disappointed

Babygirl😍: you see, god I'm such a bad girlfriend

Me: dont say that

Babygirl😍: but its true

Me: you're not a bad girlfriend let's just forget it and go to our date yeah?

Babygirl😍: okay I'll be there in 30, i love you

Me: i love you

30 minutes later

"Babe I'm home" i heard Lauren yell from down stairs i could also hear the other girls talking and laughing

"Alright hold up" i yelled back i was getting ready for our date and to be honest its my first time getting nervous for a date

"Alright hold up" i yelled back i was getting ready for our date and to be honest its my first time getting nervous for a date

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I walked down stairs and Lauren jumped on me she got me by surprised

"I missed you" she said "babe it was only 3 hours" i said bringing her down

"So what, cant i miss my boyfriend" she said pecking my lips "dork" i replied "yeah but I'm your dork" "true, let's go now yeah?" she nodded so went to say bye to the girls and got in my car

"Where are we going" she asked reaching over to intertwine our hands
"That's for me to know and you to find out" she rolled her eyes and i just laughed

"Just get comfortable its gonna take a while to get there" she closed her eyes and i guess she fell asleep since she didn't say anything at all the whole ride

"Baby, Princess, Babygirl" i've been trying to wake up Lauren for the pass 5 minutes we just arrived at Disneyworld and she doesn't wake up

"Babe wake up" i said pecking her lips "princess, baby" god how can she sleep when I'm almost yelling

I saw her smirking so i knew she was faking it. I started to tickle her

"O-Okay s-stop im a-awake" she said through her laughs "i just really like how you call me baby, princess, or babygirl" i could feel myself blushing so i turned around so she wouldn't see it

"Where are we anyways" she asked looking around we still had to walk about 10 minutes to get there cause i didn't want her to know

"I dont how about we go and see" we talked about a lot of stuff while walking to Disneyworld until i told her to put a blindfold on

"Are you gonna kill me" i just laughed and kept walking

"Alright baby you can take the blindfold off" i said which she did

"Omg you brought me to Disneyworld" she tackled me with a big hug and kiss

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