The Bus That Runs On Pee Esp 1

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At five in the morning, Nick awoke from his slumber with a dreadful feeling in his gut. His bladder was full to aching point and his member locked in all the pee with stiff resistance.

All night long, he had dreamt of going round and round in search of the men's loo only to end up at a broken toilet or a locked restroom. What he dreaded most was going to work.

Nick was an employee of "Eco Express" - a modern, eco friendly and cost effective public transportation service. Thier fleet of buses oparated solely on the contents of the driver's bladder and penis to check on the amount of urine in there. The device could measure and calculate the:

(1) time when he took his last piss

(2) The amount of urine in his bladder

(3) How desperate he was. 9 out of 10 is the miminum scale of acceptance. One had to be desperate enough to lose control and squirt into one's pants.

If he wouldn't full on the scale of at least 9 of 10, the bus wouldn't start and he would need to report to the manager and give an explanation as to why he wasn't in for work with a full bladder. To make matters worse, his pay for the next two days would get chopped off and he would need to work overtime. Unpaid. Of course, needles to say his bladder needs to be full.

It was only the hefty pay that attracted Nick to the job. The world was changing. People had become conscious about the environment and had opted for alternatives and this was one. Public Transport that operated on a completely renewable resource. Energy waves from a full bladder.

Modern science has it that energy generated from a desperately full bladder was enough to power a bus. As of now, the number of recruits were barely a handful. Hence, Nick had to do full time. Once the strength grew strong enough to relive him, he would be allowed to do a four hour shift. Hopefully!

It was difficult for Nick to take a shower with a full bladder. It didn't matter if the water was hot or cold. The prickly feeling of the liquid hitting his skin made him want to pee so bad. So bad that his penis stood up long and hard with the desperate hope of relief! But that relief was light years away. Ten hours away sort of! That's how long his shift usually was!

An hour later, Nick checked in for work. He could barely stand still as he stood in line and waited for his turn to get scanned by the device. He watched his desperate colleagues shuffling towards the apparatus and wondered if they were as desperate as desperate as him. Sure, they too haven't taken thier morning pees. But could they be as desperate as him?

Finally, It was Nick's turn. He feared that he would piss his pants any moment. He could feel the urine at the tip of his erect cock, fighting to get out. But he held on with all of his might, squeezing his Kegal muscles so tight that he trembled from head to toe.

"Goodness I have to pee so bad," he hissed desperately and held his crotch, wringing the tip of his dick and shifting uncomfortably on the spot as he did. "How am I going to hold it till night? Shit. I have to pee. Pee. Pee. Pee!"

A plastic mould jutted out of the machine and sucked in his crotch with a soft WHUP. He hissed and jumped a bit, startled at how the device managed to suck his penis in as well as it did.

"Ahhhh. Ssss. Oh Goodness. Ssss. Aaaa." He hissed and moaned as the device thronged and vibrated over his urinary organ and bladder. He crossed and uncrossed his legs with the desperate need to hold himself. But the mould was still over his crotch, still throbbing.

Now, the device slowly unzipped his pants, and fished through his briefs and sucked in his naked, erected penis further.

Nick doubled over and clenched his stomach as he fought to hold in the urine. "Oh Goodness, shit. Shit. Shit. I need to pee. I need to pee. Please. Stop."

The device finally ejected him- his penis jutling out of his pants, the pink tip hard and exposed. Glad to be free, Nick stumbled a bit in his attempt to hold onto his dick. He pinched the tip shut as a couple of drops forced it's way out.

"Ssssss. Ahhh." He quickly slid his hold up and down his erected organ to control the flow. Once he got a grip on himself, he stuffed his penis back inside, zipped up his pants and boarded the bus.

The bus was already full with people. They had been watching the drivers getting scanned all along.

Nick plopped down onto his seat, which was shaped like a bicycle seat and fanned his vigorously. He leaned forward and then back. He edged on his seat till he got control over his bladder. The seat was specially designed so that so that the penis julted out from the crotch, just enough for the secondary device to latch onto. This is what started the engine and kept it running.

The secondary device sprang up from under the steering wheel and punched over his erection. Nick shuddered a bit as the engine started up.

He maneuvered the bus onto the streets and drove into heavy trafic. Will Nick make it through the day without wetting his pants?

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