The Bus That Runs On Pee Esp 3

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Beep. Beep. Beep- Beep. Beep. Beep- Beep. Beep. Beep- Beep. Beep.

The vehicle's alarm system sounded urgently, alerting Nick's manager back in hid comfy, air-conditioned office.

The bus sputtered and shuddered. It theartened to stall. And yet, there was nothing Nick could do other than squeeze onto his seat. He was holding with all his might, trying his very best not to urinate in his pants. Somehow, he had to control himself and carry the contents through the evening.

The pressure with which gallons of piss rammed into his bladder and penis was inexplicable. He knew that he would pee any moment. He could fill his lower abdomen straining with the size of his bladder.

Despite the huge effort, droplets of urine found it's way out into his briefs. He was now trembling from head to toe as he rocked back and forth on his seat in an attempt to suppress the urge.

Beep-Beep-Beep. The alarm sounded as more drops soaked through to his pants.

He wanted to let go. The pressure was unbearable. He feared that he would explode from the amounts of piss in his bladder. He leaned forward and rubbed his hands across the latching device that sealed his crotch in place. He longed to remove the device and stroke his aching cock. But...

Behind him, passengers sat on and watched his predicament in awe. This scene was not new to them. Every other day, they got to see a driver lose control and piss his pants like a child. With the kind liquids they had to consume and the number of bathroom breaks they could take, it was no surprise at all. Heck. Anyone would lose control of his bladder if he had to hold all night and day.

"Hold on..." whispered the woman as she ran her hands over the latching device.

Nick looked up at the woman with desperate tears glistening in his eyes.

"Only for a little while," she assured him. "Think of all the fun we could have once you're done with this."

That sounded like a plan. But Nick couldn't care less. All he wanted now was to pee. He didn't care where. He was In such a predicament that he wouldn't mind unzipping his pants and urinating right there in front of everyone. He didn't care what people said or thought. He needed relief. Like right now. Urgently!

"I know that all you want right now is to unzip your pants, pull out your cock and poor all that fluid from your bladder, but you know that you can't do that. You're going to get fined and punished. And humiliated." The woman's eyes twinkled wickedly.

"i...w...t...p..." Nick's words came out in a hoarse, tortured whispered.

"What was that again?"

"I...want to...pee..." He managed to repeat through the sweat on his eyebrow.

The woman glanced over her shoulder at the passengers. And then, she closed the drapes that separated the driver's section from the passengers.

Nick looked up at her. What was she up to?

To answer him, she got down on her knees, her face barely inches away from his crotch.

"The company had been considering the complaints and suggestions from it's employees, especially the drivers. All of you had demanded for a cut in the working hours. But you know that it's not possible. So they have come up with a different solution. A Relief Officer."

"A what?" Nick breathed.

"A Relief Officer," she repeated. "I am one."

"Really?" He mumbled, not sure where all this was going. He only hoped that the job of a Relief Officer was to take over the wheel while he, the driver, bounded off for some "me-time".

"Uh-huh. My job is to give you relief during your hours of utmost desperation. Like this."

Saying that, she pulled out a card and unlocked the latching device. The monstrosity let go of his crotch with a POOF.

"Oof..." he blew out in relief as his bladder and cock got more room to expand and accommodate the piss.

"Feeling better?" She asked.

"Not really," he repiled. "I still need to use the bathroom. Like really bad. Haven't been all night and day. In fact, I've been really wanting to go all night."

"By the way, a Relief Officer only works during official work hours," she said with a smirk. "After hours call for a little special something from your end."

"Oh huh," he mumbled again. What was she up to? He still didn't get it.

And to answer his question, she reached out and stroked the bulge in his pants with her long, pointed finger. A cold shudder shot through his bladder and his entire being. His penis visibly retracted leaving the bulge a little empty from the outside.

"Oh my... you are very desperate," she chimed excitedly.

"What are you doing?" He asked, his words breaking off in between.

"Giving you relief? That's my job."

"Relief how?" He had to know how. Because he wasn't getting any relief so far!

"Be patient sweetheart," she said and stroked his bulge up and down. Over and under.

He clenched thighs together and leaned forward at the sudden heightened need to urinate. "Don't do that, please," he begged.

She chuckled and continued to stroke him relentlessly. "And why not?"

"Because you're not giving me any relief."



"Then what am I giving you?"

"A desperate need to pee..."

With that, her gentle, feathery strokes turned to firm slip and slide over the tightness in his crotch. "How about now?"

There was no need for him to answer. His body told her everything she needed to know. He had gone rigid from the intense sensations that her touch was shooting through his urinary organ.

"Do you still feel the need to pee?" she inquired.

"Yes..." He repiled after a moment of panting.

"Hmm? And what else?"

Silence. Broken by heaving breathing.

"Come on," she teased him as he arched his back.

Nick leaned back onto his seat and lifted his bottom off the seat as she continued to stroke his penis more firmly. Yeah. He still wanted to pee. But more than that, her hands were doing something even more magical.

"Tell me... What is it?" she prodded as he leaned forward once again. Her fingers continued to slide up and down, not even giving a second to recover.

Nick pursed his lips, his face contorted in pain and pleasure. "Faster..." He said through tortured breaths.


She unzipped his pants and pulled out a cold, moist erection. It throbbed rhythmically with the urgent need to empty out its contents into the loo. Urine and cum.

Nick almost jumped from his seat as she rolled her tongue over his shaft, running from the base to the pink head. He hissed as his penis burnt with need. "No stop..." he begged and tried to pull her back. "This is not helping... I think I'll just go pee somewhere."

"You don't have the permission," she stated and pushed off his hards. She now took his throbbing male organ into her mouth, a little hardness at a time, till she managed to accommodate its entire length to her thoart.

"Ahhh... Ohh... Offf..." Nick hissed and moaned. It kept getting bigger and better. He knew that he would piss and cum any minute now. But before that could happen, she withdrew and straightened up.

"No... don't... continue... please..." He urged.

"No. Not now. Climax scene in the evening. Right now, I've given you relief. Now get back to work..."

Nick still didn't get to take that much needed piss. Will he be granted a break in between? Or she going to make him hold it? Or will he lose it?

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