The Beginning or the End?

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*Picks up where the last episode of season 1 left off*

Zoe could feel the pressure that was on her to make a decision... Anyone could tell that she already knew what her heart wanted in that moment.

She would love to stay here on this little island, despite how British it could be sometimes.

In her mind, she knew that this stay was never suppose to be more than what it already was. Her parents are finally trying to work things out and Rosie was already walking towards the car.

She knew the rational choice, but she knew that she wasn't going to make that choice. She had almost lost Raven once and she knew she didn't want to do that again.

Zoe took a deep breathe and held her head up high, "I-I I want to stay. I choose to stay with Raven. I almost lost him once and I'm not ready to let go." The beautiful dark horse ironically neighed in agreement.

Zoe's mother approached her with tears brimming her eyes and placed a hand on the young girl's shoulder.

"Honey, you remind me so much of myself at your age. I know that you can't run away from this, I know that you can't just run away from Raven."

Zoe wrapped her arms around her mother, "Does that mean we're staying?"

Maggie could see the hope in her daughter's eyes, "Yes, we're staying." Zoe's face broke out into a smile and she cried tears of happiness before her expression changed to serious.

"Dad.... are you okay with this?" the young girl asked with the same hope in her eyes.

Her father walked over to join the hug.

"I'm just happy we're all together again." the man said holding his daughter and his wife tighter than before.

The crowd cheered and Raven's owner, Meredith, gave a slight nod with a satisfied smile. The cheers were soon interrupted by Rosie, "Oh, uh-uh. I am not staying here. I'll be waiting in the car."

The smiles faded from the other Steels' faces. Rosie turned on her heel before turning right back around with a smile on her face, "I'm kdding!" with a mock British accent the sparkly girl continued, "I believe I'm beginning to quite like it here."

Relief slowly washed over everyone's faces. The surrounding friends and family began to cheer again and Rosie was pulled into the family hug.

The chirpy atmosphere was soon broken when the wealthy woman cleared her throat, "Now, I really must be on my way. Who should I speak with about getting my dear Raven stabled at this establishment?"

Zoe sent questioning glances towards Becky, Jade, Marcus, and Pin.

The lady looked between them before the confusion was finally cleared up by a new voice.

"I believe I am the one you'd like to speak with." Everyone gasped as Elliot and Mia stepped out of a car. Mia had her signature smirk on her face.

"Why exactly would you be the one she needs to speak with?" Zoe asked genuinely confused.

"Oh, I was just assuming that she'd like to speak with the new owner of Bright Field," Elliot said smugly.

The group exchanged confused glances as Meredith walked off with Elliot and Mia. Raven stubbornly stood at Zoe's side as she patted the beautiful horse.

The group soon burst into laughter as Ben ran up with a bucket on his head and Bob in tow, "What did I miss?"

Rosie walked over and removed the bucket from his head, "We're staying he-"

She wasn't able to finish her sentence before Ben gripped her into a hug.

Her parents shook their heads with smiles still donning their faces, before telling the group that they were off to tell Grandpa about the change of plans.

Becky couldn't contain her excitement anymore she tackled Zoe into a hug before yelling, "Group hug, everyone. Even you Pin! Come on now, don't be shy guys."

The friends stood there in the middle of a road, hugging with smiles on their faces before Bob decided he wanted join.

Everyone jumped apart. Marcus started walking while leading Raven, "Well, I believe we all could head back to the stables for a proper celebration now!" He sent a wink towards Zoe that Becky definitely picked up on.

Becky gripped Jade's forearm to get her attention as she whispered, "Did you see that?"

Jade gave Becky a look of confusion before Becky shook her head, as if to say nevermind.

Marcus swore that he faintly heard Becky say, "Whatever you want then, Hot Marcus."

They all walked as a group with Ben lagging behind with the bucket now stuck on his foot.

A/N: Hello! I haven't written fanfiction in a very long time. I watched Free Reign the other day and I absolutely loved it, besides the fact that Zoe is the one getting all of the attention from the guys! I'm gonna try to sort out the whole love triangle in this story. Don't get me wrong, I love Zoe, but it seems a little unfair. Plus, I think the crush that Becky has on Marcus is adorable. So, this is gonna be my season 2.

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