More Than a Leaky Sink

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Disclaimer: I don't own the show, but at least fanfiction gives me free rein. 

(A/N: I'm very proud of myself for this disclaimer. P.S. Character's personal thoughts will be italicized.)

Marcus blankly stared at the pipes in front of him.

The new owner, Elliot, insisted that his self-titled, "Stable Guy", Tom, should get Marcus to finally fix that darn sink. What a wonderful idea, you know another wonderful idea? Elliot had a TV installed in the office, so the Stable Guy is more like the Cable Guy.

So, there he was staring blankly at a sink with the toolbox unopened next to him. The unlucky boy knew how to fix the sink, but he was simply too lost in thought to actually get anything done. His usually sparkling eyes were dull and unfocused. A million thoughts were running through his head.

Why couldn't someone else fix this sink?

Why didn't Sam tell me how unstable things were financially?

What's up with Becky and why does it even bother me so much?

Why did I suddenly start something with Zoe when I know that I'll be gone to riding school soon?

Why do boot and foot sound so different?

"Why don't I just break up with her before things get too serious? Woaah, wait what?" he asked himself before realizing what he accidentally said aloud.

Marcus shook his head to clear his mind, he didn't like where his thoughts were going. He let out a sigh and turned around to grab a wrench when he caught sight of two pairs of boots, one pair green, and the other pair purple. He looked up and he met Becky's big brown eyes. The girl took in a sharp breath when his eyes met hers.

Jade could tell the question was directed towards Becky, so she stayed quietly in the doorway that she had just walked through.

"How long have you been there?" he asked, his gaze unwavering. Jade could sense some tension in the air, so clonked her purple boots over to her best friend in hope of a rescue.

The girl placed a tanned hand on her best friend's shoulder, "You know Marcus, Becky really needs to come with me! I think I saw Ghost Pony in one of the cleared stalls..." Jade spoke with unconvincing desperation. Marcus' gaze never left the blonde girl, though.

"You can go ahead... I'll catch up later." Becky gave her friend a look and jerked her head towards the door. Jade quirked an eyebrow as if to ask if her friend was sure. Becky gave a slight nod and Jade left the way she had come.

Marcus let another sigh escape his lips. "Becky, how long were you there?" he asked her, his gaze a little less intense this time. The petite blonde gulped and her mouth suddenly felt dry.

"Umm, I-I-I--" The girl stopped talking for a moment and took a deep breath, "I was only here for a little while. I was walking in to use the sink and I noticed you were lost in thought. I didn't want to disturb you." The girl answered glancing at anything besides Marcus as she spoke.

"Becky, look at me." He said and the girl obliged. "Was Jade there long enough to hear anything?" he asked searching her face when he didn't receive an immediate response. The girl finally shook her had to say no. Marcus exhaled in relief.

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