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Okay if you need a free cover please tell me. These covers I can make you for free. All you have to do is complete the form and tell me if you like the cover. If you don't, I will remake it, no worries. Be completely honest to me.


1. Name of book

2. Name of author

3. Genre of book

4. Patience with me. I need at least 1-2 days to complete the cover for it to look good.

5. What kind of filter, if any, do you want?

6. What kind of picture do you want on the cover?

7. Do you want a quote on your cover? If so, please put that as your number seven on your request.

If you want anything else, please tell me in the comment section below the form. Thank you!! ❤❤

Free covers ~On hold~Where stories live. Discover now