A Bad Boy's Confession BoyxBoy

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Hey ya all jackie here ;) this is a joint story between me and Alex. We have only started on this but i hope this will become really good so give us a coment or a vote so we know we've done well ;D

See ya in the next Chapter ;) 

(Venom's Pov )

He stood there like a tower in front of me; I looked up too see dark brown eyes, almost going on black stare down at me. I coulden't help feel a shiver run down my back. His eyes looked like they were trying to burn a hole in me. 

I took a step back and tried to glare at him. It didn't even budge him.. He was really pissing me off now! Didn't he know who I was? I was Venom, the Emo I'm-going-to-kick-your-fucking-ass-if-you-so-much-as-look-at-me-wrong kinda boy. But clearly this guy was asking for it, or maybe he just didn't know about me, well then maybe I should enlighten him. " You think your tough? Huh!? Well then you've come to the wrong place, and met the wrong person! Because I'm Venom, and I hate people like you, so if you don't want to get your ass kicked you better leave!" The last part I hissed at him.

I watched him in case he would do any sudden movements, it had happened before when I told some guy and he tried to punch me. He had this bored look on his face, pretty much saying; 'if I want to, I can kick your ass all the way to China Town.'

That this guy could kick my ass was no understatement; he was literally huge! He definitely had a six pack and he was a giant in tallness, but that could also be because I was shortest in my class.  There was nothing wrong with his looks either, he had night black hair and brown eyes, edging on black, he had a piercing in his lip and ear and he looked like damned right fierce. But Venom dosen't back down in a fight, no matter what.

He suddenly sighed and started walking towards me. I put up my guard just waiting for him to hit me. But he just walked by like...like I was nothing. I turned around just about to yell at him, when I felt my stomach hurt and my body contort forward. My head was spinning and I felt a sharp pain in my gut. I looked up at him and saw a small smirk on his face. 

"You sure talk big for such a small and currently weak guy."  He then turned around and walked away; the whole corridor was staring at him, some girls were talking about how damn cool he was, others seemed a little afraid of him. And I was just lying on the floor in pain embarrassment and absolute rage. This guy was going to die!

"Here, oh! What's happened to you today, Venom?" The school nurse didn't seem surprised nor pleased to see me entering the infirmary with bright red blood trickling down my white shirt, as she stopped dabbing at some kid's nose with a cold flannel, gesturing to the small freezer in the corner for me to go and get some ice.

I walked over obediently, my hand pressed to my jaw as I growled to myself, still incredibly pissed off at the guy for even daring to give me that bored look of his. Sure, he had only punched me in the gut, but after that, when I tried to get up and walk after him, I ended up falling flat on my face and injuring myself, so here I am now.

I reached out, opening the freezer and fishing out five cubes of ice, wrapping three thick tissues around them, then sitting down on a chair, waiting for the nurse to come at me with disinfectant. She was an around fifty year old plump lady, but she was surprisingly nice for someone who had to tell off kids for getting punched on a daily basis...especially me.

As expected, she waddled over and reached for an old piece of cloth, putting it under the running tap before she bent down so she could clean up the blood, which was now going down my neck as well. It wasn't long before she was spraying that disinfectant crap all along my jaw, making me want to whine. But I sucked it up and bit my tongue, shutting up even though it hurt like hell. When she was done, I allowed my hand to press the tissues with ice to my injured spot, sighing and letting my head drop back against the chair.

I know, I get injured sometimes for picking on people, but it's never been like this and it was always because I hit them first. Most of the time all I came into the infirmary for was a plaster. Most of the time. The other times, I didn't show up at all. Today, because of that asshole, I turned up here with a 'nearly broken jaw' as the nurse kindly pointed out. Huh.

"Get the hell out of my way!" An all-too familiar voice was heard from down the hall, and a few yelps coming from students who had obviously been thrown out of my best friend's way, while she stomped over to the infirmary to see me. The serious look on her face when she threw the door open made me stare for a minute, before starting to laugh. That only made my jaw hurt even more, and I felt like I was going to throw up any minute as my stomach started hurting even more than it did just ten minutes ago.

"Luck, hi." I greeted, wincing when she narrowed her eyes at me and walked over, smacking me upside the head. "Ow! What's wrong with you, woman! Like I wasn't injured enough!" I yelled at her, and the nurse tutted at us.

"No fighting in the infirmary, kids!" She told us, going back to dabbing at the poor kid's nose. A first year nerd, no doubt.

"I can't believe you would pick on Lucifer!" Luck hissed at me, and I saw her eying my hair. I could already tell how much she wanted to reach out and pull at it as if her life depended on it. "He's much taller than you, much stronger; he works out, what the hell did you think you'd achieve? Does he look like the kind of guy that would just back down or something? No! He's the kind of guy that, if you piss him off, then he's going to put you into fucking hospital!Venom, you're such an idiot!"

I just sat there, shifting in my seat under her uncomfortable glare. Sometimes she had more of an effect over me than my own mother did, and that was certainly saying something.

She finally reached out and smacked me again, making me whine as I felt a headache coming on. Seriously, like I wasn't already injured enough. What does she want me to do now, get a concussion too? Ugh. This'll be one to tell the kids; 'when he was in high school, your father got into so many fights that even his best friend started to slap him around!'

"Can we not do this now?" I plead, puppy dog eyes on show. "I mean, I just got injured! I don't wanna talk about it."

It worked, as usual, because I saw Luck's gaze soften only slightly, narrowing her eyes again afterwards, but in the end she allowed a smile to spread across her lips as she nodded and held out a hand for me to take so she could help me up. When she did, I looked over at the nurse .

"I'm gonna go. I'll see you soon, Mary." I didn't know how the hell I managed to remember her name even with being in here on a daily basis, but still! I walked out, Luck by my side and every set of eyes on me when I exited.

No one, and I mean no one, punches Venom and gets away with it.

So let the games begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2012 ⏰

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