If he's anything like me -Jake Paul

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This is a song preference
If He's Anything Like Me by Brad Paisley
It switches between present day while there at the hospital and to the future where everything's happening
Future tense is 3rd person and present tense where Jake is talking and stuff is his POV

You and your husband Jake were in the ultrasound room waiting to see how your baby was doing and what it's gender is.
"What do you want it to be?"
You asked Jake
"I don't care either way just as long as he or she is healthy I'm okay"
Then the doctor pointed to the corner of the screen said
"you see that thing right there well you know what that means."

Jake's POV

I started wondering who he was gonna be but, heaven help us if he's anything like me.
He'll probably climb a tree to tall and ride his bike to fast. End up every summer wearing something in a cast. He's gonna throw a ball and break some glass in a window down the street.
You and Jake are sitting on the couch watching tv checking out the window to see your 9 year old little boy and his friends play baseball. You turn your eyes back to the tv. Suddenly you hear something break you both jump up to see your window shattered and, the neighborhood boys running in the direction of their houses and your little boy y/s/n standing there with the bat in his hand and guilty look on his face.

It's safe to say that I'm gonna get my pay back if he's anything like me.
I can see him right now knees all skinned with his magnifying glass trying to melt Tonka truck.

Wont he be a sight with his football helmet on. That'll be his first love til his first love comes along.
You and Jake are at your sons first high school football game. Jake was so proud of him and so were you. He looked so cute with his football helmet on of course when you told him that you got a groan and a drawn out 'mommmm'
Football was his first love til he brought home Jessica his first real girlfriend.

He'll get his heart broke by the time he's in his teens and heaven help him if he's anything like me.
Y/S/N and Jessica broke up and oh boy was it bad you now had a hole in your wall to prove how bad it was. He wouldn't come out of his room for a few days unless it was to eat. Until you sent Jake in there to talk to him.
"Son I know you loved her."
Jake said
"I did Dad and I'll never love another girl ever again"
He said
"I know it feels like that but, you will. You know when I was about your age I had a girlfriend thought she was the love of my life, but you know what?"
"Yeah dad I know you eventually met mom and you and her fell madly in love."
"I guess we've told you this story a few times, huh?"
"Just a bit"
They sat there and talk til your son felt all better.

He'll probably stay out to late and drive his car to fast get a speeding ticket and I'll make him pay for it by mowing grass.

He's gonna get caught skipping class and be grounded for a week.
He's gonna get in trouble we're gonna get in fights I'm gonna loose my temper and some sleep.
He's gonna love me and hate me along the way.
You were in the kitchen making lunch for you and Jake when you heard the phone ringing.
You look at the caller ID and see it's from your son's school informing you that your son didn't show up to school that day. So you finished making lunch, told Jake what happened and waited for y/s/n to walk threw the door.
At 4 o'clock he did and you and Jake were waiting for him
"So y/s/n how was school"
You ask
"It was fine mom, I mean it's school"
He said
"Hey y/n speaking of the school we got an interesting call from them today didn't we."
Jake said
"You know what Jake we did, something about y/s/n not being at school today. But you know he said that school was fine and I know our little innocent kind sweet boy wouldn't lie to us."
You say sarcastically
"Your right he wouldn't"
Jake replied
"The School ratted on me?"
Your son asked
You nodded
"And what do you think you were doing skipping school? You had us worried sick you know what? I want your phone, your keys, your laptop, and every other electronic you have."
Jake yelled
"You can't do that Dad"
Your son yelled back
"Watch me"
The arguing continued for a long time
"Alright both of you knock it off"
(Theresa Russo I had to)
"Y/s/n go to your room and get what your father told you to get and Jake go take 5 I got it from here."
Your son started walk up the stairs when he turned around and looked Jake in the eyes and said
"I hate you"
You see Jake face fall but, he quickly puts on a stern face
"Do what your mother says now"
Your son ran upstairs
"He didn't mean that sweetheart"
You tell Jake
"he thinks and right now he does but that's if he needs to hate me right now that's just fine I can deal with it. He'll appreciate it in the future"
Jake said with tears in his eyes
"You know I used to tell my dad that when I would get mad at him and now I know why he would get so upset afterwards"
You go over to him and rub your hand over his back
*a few days later*
Jake and y/s still haven't spoken just grunt and nods finally your son comes downstairs
Jake looked at him
"Yes, son"
" I'm sorry, I don't hate you. I love you"
He says walking over to Jake and giving him a hug
"I love you too"
Jake said smiling at you

The years are gonna fly by I already dread the day he's gonna hug his mama he's gonna shake my hand. But as he drives out he'll cry his eyes out if he's anything like me.
The day you and Jake had been dreading had finally arrived y/s was going to college.
You, him, and Jake had put his last bag into his car.
He looked at you pulling you into a hug
"I love you mom"
"I love you too sweetie"
You say threw your tears
"Don't cry mama I'm going to college not the war."
"I know but you're my baby I don't want you to leave me."
"I'll be back every other weekend mom you'll be fine."
He smiled at you kissing your cheek
You smiled back at him
He walked over to Jake holding out his hand for Jake to shake it.
Jake grabbed his hand
"Bye daddy I love you"
"I love you too son"
Y/s then turned around and walked to his car getting in and driving away with you and Jake waving in until he couldn't see you anymore.
Jake let out a breath
"Well our little boys all grown up"
Jake said kissing your temple
"Yes he is"
As y/s was driving away he started crying his eyes out cause he really didn't want to leave you and Jake.

I look at y/n
"We're gonna be in for an adventure if he's anything like me."

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