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The book of the untold laid on the wooden desk along side other sharp or weird objects. Donald and his wife looked at each other.
“Are u sure we're ready?"she asked him
“ There's no time Sarah"
And to the scribe he said
“We want to open the books"
“As you wish. You know the rules" replied the scribe as he stepped aside. Donald approached the desk, took the knife and spoke.
“Today I stand to know the unknown
Today blood mixes with what is to come"
He cut himself with the knife and let three drops into a hole in the book.

Now show me what eyes has not seen,
For the price I have paid"
Suddenly everywhere started getting dark until they where in utter darkness. The book slowly opened on it's own accord and a blinding white light shone from it. Then the tale began.
“Two worlds which must not be mixed
Fire and rain
Sun and moon
Two species which must not cross lest they bear an abomination
An abomination which would cause war among nations
A war so great it could end the world.
It must come to pass lest the world melts
The planets fall apart
Time cease to exist-"
Donald and his wife were shocked and scared all at once.
If the prophecy took place, they would all die and if it didn't, time would cease to exist...
What must they do?
After some minutes, the tale continued.
“-As these events take place, there would be a creature lying lying helplessly in the woods.
Waiting for death to claim it
This creature must live as it's the cure to this disaster
Together the abomination and the creature would save the world
The world would love them but they must not fall in love
They must not fall in love
As for this creature, it would watch over the abomination
This creature alone would mold the abomination into shape....
This creature would be th -"
Before the tale could be completed, an arrow hit the book in the very heart of it. At first, the book's light flickered lightly then it became more violent and the book began to bleed.
“The war" the scribe said as everywhere began to shake
“What?!" Donald screamed holding a scared Sarah

“It has began."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2018 ⏰

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