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The parking lot was still empty as I walked into the stadium. My game day routine was the same as it always was, get up earlier than everyone else and go to the pitch to have my morning coffee and read the scouting report while I visualized the game.

I was a creature of habit. Some people found God in their church, I found mine at the pitch, at my sanctuary.

I came to the stadium gate unlocking it as I stepped inside pulling the chain back around the gate bars and resealing it. It was mine and mine alone, Beckett didn't even come with me for these trips, I wasn't even sure if coach knew I did this.

The seats were empty as I took in the full stadium below. I smiled feeling the familiar sensation of goosebumps across my skin, tingling with excitement and energy, I was ready.

Suddenly movement caught my eye as I watched someone walk out onto the turf, there was no mistaking who even from this hight I knew it was Bethany. She walked to midfield then sat, then laid flat on her back legs and arms spread out wide.

"What're you doing?" I asked out loud to no one. I focused my attention on her as she laid there completely still for a nice long while. It was rare to see anyone at the pitch as early as me, I couldn't stop watching her.

After a few minutes I wondered if she had fallen asleep. Then a few more minutes stretched on. I pulled out my reports and drank my coffee keeping one eye on her while I read. I was distracted, my attention split and the majority was on Bethany, I slapped down the reports forgetting them entirely as I watched her.

As if she knew my eyes were on her she stood up quickly and moved to the edge of the arena grabbing a trash bin, she bent down and wretched violently into the bin. I grimaced watching her wanting to rush down to the field and help her, or at the very least hold her hair back.

Jesus Christ. Why did she have this power over me? I shook the feeling of her from my mind and rose form my seat gathering my pack and walking out without looking back at her. I needed to focus on the game with no distractions.

I went to the locker rooms and sat in my locker with my headphones in and the loudest rap I could find to fill the silence as my mind cleared the heavy beats pumping their way through me hyping me up. I visualized the field, the opposing team and my feet pushing the ball past them, making moves and striking against their weaknesses.

A slight tap to my toe jarred me from my isolation as I pulled open my eyes seeing Beckett in front of me, a couple of the rest of the guys wandering around the room getting ready for the match. I checked my watch realizing there was about two and a half hours before kick off.

Beckett handed me a new bottle of Gatorade and sat down in his locker beside mine. I took my headphones off and thanked him for the drink. "I'm surprised you're in here."

"I came in early." I shrugged.

"I thought you liked to vibe out in the stands, changing it up?"

"Just couldn't get in the right headspace there today." I shrugged as Beckett eyed me curiously. "I had some distractions."

He smiled. "Some or just one?"

I rolled my eyes at him choosing not to answer. He went about getting his gear out of his locker not bothering to continue to tease me about Bethany, though I continued to think about her. She must be nervous, I was nervous for my first game too.

I check on the clock seeing that there was still time before I needed to get to the pitch. I stood up and grabbed my phone and made my way to the door. "Where are you going?" Beckett called after me.

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