Chapter 22; solved but not how i wanted...

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Stacey's POV
I open my eyes are get blinded by the bright outside light because stupid me forgot to shut the black out blind. I go into the bathroom and look in the mirror. Definitely cracked it, my eyes puffed up and still red from last night, pimples starting to come on my face. I made sure I cleansed my face before I did my make up. Today if I can remember rightly the class is going around La to take pictures.

I agreed to go but decided to stop off at a Starbucks to be my basically white girls brothers. An hour into the walk my brothers text me saying they were at Starbucks I left the group and went to find it I got slightly lost and had to ask but I guess that was okay my social anxiety didn't effect me thank god. Awful or what. I reach the shop and see them stood outside I run up to Gray and he picked me up into a craddled as if I was a baby. I started to slowly cry on him as I know how much now I need him and Ethan here. I hugged Ethan but it wasn't as massive as Gray.
"We planned to go around Cams later to talk but we didn't say anything until we get there. Do you want to to come" Gray asked
I kind of do but then I don't want to see him face because you know I'm a sucker to people's I'm sorry faces but I will.
After out coffees we head out back into the city to my hotel across the road from Cams apartment. I take deep breathes before we make our way to Cams apartment and he answers it and smiles when he sees my face. He picks me up and spins me round and kisses me but I did nothing back which made he confused.

"Last Cam we need to talk" Ethan said
"Okay yeah sure, Stace babe what's up?" Cam says
"Urm nothing..." I reply
"Well that's a lie isn't it Stace. We know something about you Cam and you know the rules we told you!" Gray said
"What do you mean I've done nothing wrong what?" Cam tried to defend yourself
Well you have I came to surprise you yesterday because I'm here with college I come round to see a black headed girl answer the door in her under garments! That's what you did you cheated! I started to cry and hid behind Gray
"Oh shoot! I really am so sorry Stace that never meant to happen what's so ever and it was a mistake 100%" he tried to stick up for what he did
"No, we told you if you hurt her we'd be having words with you and she won't be taking you back after what you did so what if it was a mistake you cheated on our sister!" Ethan basically yelled
I can't deal with this I say I stand up grab my purse and try to leave when Cam stoped me.
"Babe I'm sorry I wouldn't do anything to hurt you! You know that come on we can sort things out I love you" his grip was now hurting
But you don't you cheated on me and sorry will never make it up to me or how I found out.
Once I left I go back to my hotel room and slide down the door and just cry to myself the boy I love... is a cheat...

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