My Terrifying Dream...

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First of all I would like to inform you that NONE of this is real and that i have switched the names as i do not have time to ask for permission to use them. I had a dream last night about abuse to men and this is exactly what happened. I am not rich, I am not 16, and also this story although fake may be true in some peoples lives because abuse is NOT just against women so I will not accept discriminating comments about men who have been abused. OK? And I'm not sure if i should ask you to enjoy because its not a very happy story but please comment, vote, like, and tweet!

PS: Sorry for all that but i felt it was needed

Love: gummibearkiller (L)

Oh and before I start. Liam is tanners cousin.


My phone rang and without thinking I picked it up.

"You will do it you filthy whore. I need the money and your family isn't home." I knew that voice... Liam. Then a scream pierced through even my phone. I looked at the caller I.D. and it said that Tanner was calling. What? I assumed it must have been a pocket dial as i dont think they could just whip out their phone and make a call while that was going on. But could it be Letty, Liam was yelling at? Or Nada? I knew one thing. I wasn't sticking around here to let that happen to either one of them. I stood suddenly from my table in the food court where I was hanging out with my "friends". I knew they were only being nice to me for my money but I was bored today and I knew they were never gonna get shit from me. As I walked away they didn't even notice because they were  talking about some party that was happening tonight.

I ran to the nearest exit and bolted to my car, almost getting hit a couple of times in the process. Right now I was so happy that I let my dad get my an Audi R8 Spyder for my sixteenth birthday. I did at least 140 kph all the way to Tanners house but when I got there only his car was in the driveway. Great! Maybe he got here in time to stop Liam. But I was still going in to give my piece of my mind to that scumbag. And trust me thats one of the nicer name I had in mind for dearest Liam. To bad he wasn't here right now, but I could wait.

I walked into the house only to find Tanner huddled in a corner with tears streaming down his cheeks. I was frozen in my spot. I've never seen him like thisand we've been dating ever since the sixth grade. As far as I knew he has only ever cried once, when his grandpa died and he left before I had time to see him. He was always so strong and composed. Snapping out of daze I started walking towards him slowly as I didn't want him to think I was Liam. It hit me as soon as I saw all the bruises and blood on his face and arms ( I really didn't want to see how bad it was under his shirt if thats how his face looked) it wasn't Letty or Nada or anyone else in his family that Liam had been yelling at. It was him. Him that let out that shrilling scream. I coouldn't stand here watching him cry anymore so I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him but I didn't miss the flinch before he looked up and saw me. Looking away quickly, he tried to push me away obviously not wanting me to see him like this. But I held on tightly knowing that even though he didn't want me here, he needed me here.

After a while of struggling his finally gave in and pushed his head into my neck while he sobbed. When I noticed he was shivering I slowly unwrapped my arms from him intending on taking my sweater off and giving it to him but he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Squeezing so hard it was like he thought that I would walk away and never come back. I quickly stripped off my sweater, put around his shoudlers and wrapped my arms around him pulling him back to me. I ran my fingers through his hair and rocked him back and forth which only made him cry harder. I felt so bad that I never knew this was happening to him. Whenever he showed up to school with a limp or bruises he told me they were from fights or hunting and I believed him beacuse never in my life could I imagine this happening to him. It was true he never let me come to his house on weekend nights. At first I thought it was because there was another girl but I quickly dismissed that idea because I knew he would never cheat on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2012 ⏰

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