Chapter 14: Our Great Escape

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Important Aurthors note at the end!!!

Castiel sat alone on a park bench as he often did when he wasn’t with the Winchesters or up in heaven. Watching humans go about their daily life was very soothing in a way, it helped him remember why he rebelled, for all of the humans who couldn’t defend themselves. Also it was a great place to listen to, as the Winchesters called it, angel radio.

Most of it was boring stuff, cherubs discussing the next pairing they were going to make. Probably as close to reality television the angels would get.

But there were somethings that Cas needed to keep on the look out for. Location of the Horseman of Death which not a single angel seemed to know. So for now he listens to cherub calls.

That’s when something hit him on the back of the head. Not hard enough to induce unconsciousness, which would have had to of been a very hard for someone who was not an angel to do. Turning he saw a child staring at him with a catchers mitt and cap, who Cas guessed was his mother stood behind him.

“Sorry Mister!” The little boy said running to grab the ball.

The boys mother ran over and gave Castiel a bright smile. “I’m sorry, sir apparently I underestimated my pitching skills.”

“It’s no problem”

“Anyways, you're not hurt right? I threw it kind of hard.”

“No, it would take much more than any soft ball to hurt me.”

She gave an unsure smile like she didn’t quite understand what he meant.”Yeah, so anyways I promise we’ll try to be more careful.” With another grin she and her son were off playing.

That’s when Castiel heard it, the enochian message that he quickly translated into four words.


“The Winchester’s are found”


And when the mother heard a flap of wings, looked back, and Castiel was gone.



Castiel landed in the house he left The Winchesters and the rest. “Dean!” He yelled, after waiting for a response and not getting one he yelled again. “Sam?” From behind him he heard a flutter of wings, turning slowly Castiel saw him.

Lucifer stood with a demon both of which had a smug grin on their faces. ‘Hello brother, I see you got my message.”

“That was you?”  

“Guilty as charged, but hey desperate measures right?” The smug left his face and he grew serious. “We need to talk.”

“No, we don’t.”

“Yes we do Castiel, and you know why, because of the Winchesters.” Lucifer laughed as Cas tensed. “No need to get defensive Castiel. Unless you the assumption that you’re their friend.” Lucifer laughed some more finding Castiel’s bond with Winchester’s hilarious. “You’re not their friend Castiel, you’re a tool. Another toy of theirs that they will stab, quite literally, in the back.”

After a few more cold stares Lucifer threw his hands up in fake surrender “I can’t make you see the truth, Castiel only you can do that. You rebelled because you wanted to think for yourself, so do it Cas.” Then he was gone leaving only Castiel and the demon.The demons current body was a few inches shorter than Castiel’s and had dark hair and eyes.

Castiel glared at it. “What are you still doing here.”

“Just wanted a chat, seems that you know a friend of mine.” His smug turned into a gut wrenching smile.

“Leave now or I will destroy you.” Cas said without breaking eye contact. The demon wasn’t scared or even shaken in the least by the angels threats.

“Alright I’m going but give a message to someone for me.” He took a small pause for dramatic effect. “Tell Sherlock I can’t wait for our next meeting, Love Moriarty.” He laughed a wicked laugh and was gone.




Sam sat in the corner of the small room with his head in his hands. He had a headache that even Aspirin wouldn’t cure. To make it worst constant flashes of what had to of been his time in hell. All he could wrap his mind around was the fires and the torture, it seemed endless the second he thought the flashbacks would end more came. He was slowly becoming trapped in his own head, at least until someone shaked his shoulder roughly.His head snapping up quickly he saw the hallucination of his torturer and tried to scoot back, but the wall was in the way.

“Seriously, Sam we are on the same page here. I’ve decided I’m going to help you!’ He said like it should be a victory of Sam’s.

Cautiously Sam stood up so they were eye level, well as close to eye level as they were going to get with Sam being a good three inches taller than him. “Why?”

“Because you are no fun when you can’t remember me. I mean honestly I miss the look of utter hatred and disdain on your face, I mean I live for that. So what do you say.” After a little while Sam nodded. “Great, lets get started.” He clapped Sam’s shoulder before walking around the room to take in the situation.

“You know what the perk of being a post traumatic hallucination is Sam.”


“I know everything you know, including everything you forgot.” He moved to the center of the room. “Because while you were getting you brain sucked out of you, someone came in here.”

“I don’t understand.”

“What I’m saying is the person had to get in here some how so?” He waited for Sam to finish the sentence.

“I still don’t understand”

“You are so useless. It’s a teleport, Sam he used this,“ He pointed at the blue light hanging in the middle of the room.

“So, I can’t use it.”

“Yes, but the next time someone uses it you can hitch a ride out of this hole with them. So what do you say Sam are you ready for our great escape?”

What did you think, and yes Cas will be coming back soon probably in the next chapter. And thank you to anyone who voted.

Also THIS IS IMPORTANTISH PLEASE READ I've been working on another fanfic, a Doctor Who one. Okay now before anyone asks about when I'm going to release it, it's going to be after I finish this fanfic, which I'm actually very sorry to say is coming up.

Anyways I'm off track. The fanfics title is going to either be

A) The Lady of the Stars


B) The Exploding Star

HELP ME CHOOSE!!! But I am willing to release a small lets say blurb for it if I get at least three people ask for it in the comments (I know my high expectations.). Anyways I'm very happy with it so far and currently working on the second chapter (very slowly).

So anyways just put the request in the comment thing and I will get that posted right away.

P.S. I made up a companion!!! She awesome and probably one of my favorite characters to write for

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