Chapter 2: Infiltrating the Scouting Legion

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(Hello, Dear Readers! This chapter is for my first follower which is!!!!!


And i hope you enjoy the chapter!^_^)


Akira's POV:

Damn it. The Scouting Legion is here aren't they?

What to do what to do.... Actually, more importantly, should I join or run? The best thing for me to do is to enter the walls and make a base there for the future, since I'm not sure exactly how long I will stay in this world.

I looked around and saw a scouting legion uniform on a rotting dead body.

Huh. How did I not see that before?

Maybe this guy is one of the soldiers who were presumed dead so everyone left back to the walls and this guy somehow found his way back to base only to see that everyone has already left. He must have died from an injury because this place is still packed with food...not to mention the dried blood on the floor.

In a flash I took the dead corpse's uniform and put it on, the uniform magically becoming clean and fitting my size.

Don't ask. I have no idea how Kuroba Kaito (from Magic Kaito 1412/Detective Conan)does it. Man, anime powers are useful.

Of course, no matter how awesome KID is or how powerful my anime powers. I have limits, such as the fact I can't remove the small name stitched on the uniform.

"James Venzenhein from the 93rd training corps graduated cadets. Huh, this guy lasted pretty long didn't he." I mumbled.

"Evee vee vee Eve." Eve suddenly popped out of nowhere and jumped on my head, pawing my ocean blue hair.

"Ah. Good thinking Eve, blue hair is totally not natural around here and I doubt they invented something like hair dye...Hmm, actually, maybe they did, but probably not such a strong blue like my hair."

Eve suddenly offered me a black wig that was in hanging from his mouth. 

"I don't remember packing a wig...." Akira mumbled, taking the wig anyway. 

'GoA probably packed it. There was a bunch of random stuff in my inventory.' Eve's eyes said. Of course, Eve's diamond necklace was also capable of holding objects sent from my father. An inventory of some sort. 

Putting on the black wig, Eve's necklace glowed and a golden contact appeared in my hand. "Only one gold contact? What, does that old man want me parading around as a heterochromia?"

(In an alternate universe, GoA nodded seriously. "Because heterochromia is hot.")

I put in the single gold contact in my right eye and styled the wig over my natural blue eye. This is going to end badly, I can just tell. Heterochromia is probably unheard of here. I bet Nami's secret money stash that the Military Police will have me under arrest just because my eyes are 2 different colors. 

Now. To dispose of the naked corpse. "Eve. Do you have space big enough for a corpse in that diamond necklace?" 

Eve nodded. So cutely that Akira would have mentally 'awwed' if not for the race with time.

"Lets put the corpse in the diamond's necklace inventory and give him a proper burial when we get to the Walls." The guy deserves it. Heck, anyone in the Scouting Legion deserves it. They fight naked man-eating giants.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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