Chapter 3

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I heard his voice calling my name.

"Cathleen its ok. You can come out now." Only then did I know I was safe. The police had come before they could find me, but I didn't trust them. Well, I trusted the police, but I wasn't about to reveal myself until he came. Until I heard his voice. He was the only one who knew I was here. I crawled out of the small space, and was immediately pulled into his arms.

"See? What did I tell you? Everything was going to be ok," he whispered in my ear. He sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than me that I was fine.

"Jungkook you're shaking."

"I'm just angry that anyone would try to do that to you."

"But you helped me, so I was confident they wouldn't find me." He released me from his embrace and made eye contact with me for a second before heading towards the door. He stopped with his back turned and his hand on the doorknob.

"I was doing what any of the guys would've done in this situation." He quickly opened the door and slammed it behind himself. I was left alone in the dark bedroom. For a split second, I thought he cared about me. For a split second, that arrogant idiot was no where to be found. But everything had gone back to normal after that split second. That arrogant idiot had returned and concern in his voice was gone.

I was immediately bombarded with more concern as I entered the living room. I scanned the space and saw Jungkook laying on the couch with his eyes closed, listening to music. Typical.

"I'm so sorry this happened Cathleen. We really didn't think this would happen."

"I'm fine Seokjin, don't worry. Besides I don't think I'll spend many more days alone in here now that my break is over." Namjoon grasped my wrist and pulled me towards the couch Jungkook was resting on. Jungkook jumped a mile when the metal handcuffs were snapped onto our wrists.

"Hyung!" I snorted at the look on his face.

"Her day off is over, and I believe that this series of events makes it even more necessary for you two to be together all the time."

"How do we make this work in public?" I asked.

"Well I hate to break it to you, Jungkook." The members began to snicker behind us. "But we're going to have to publicly announce that you are being punished for your behavior in The States by being babysat by our new manager." Even I let out a small laugh at the misfortune of the maknae.

"You've got to be kidding me. There has to be another way!"

"Aww, is Kookie's pride gonna be hurt?" Taehyung teased. He shot his hyung a glare before sending the same glare at me.

"You're really ruining my life," he seethed. Ouch. That stung a bit. "I don't even wanna look at you."

"Well, you're kinda stuck with me," I said matter of factly as I lifted our handcuffed wrists to prove my point.

"What about at night when we're in the dorms. I can't shower with her attached to my wrist."

"Namjoon these handcuffs are proving to be a bit of a hassle." He nodded in agreement to Yoongi's comment.

"If only there was a way to keep them together without some kind of physical connection," Jimin mused.

"So, like a bond that forced them to be within a certain distance from each other?" Only Taehyung would come up with a crazy idea like that.

"Yeah! That would be perfect."

"Except for this is reality. That doesn't exist in reality," Yoongi interjected. Everyone looked at Namjoon, waiting for his resolution.

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