Chapter One

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     Sasha was never the most social or popular of girls, and often times, her peers thought she simply didn't like people.
     That wasn't the case. She actually adored Earth and it's inhabitants, or at least most of the time.
     There were occasionally moments where she was tempted to annihilate the Planet, and she would if not for it potentially enabling her father to track her down and kill her.
     It was just like any other day. Boring, exhausting, full of idiots doing stupid things to grab her attention, none of them succeeding.
     Honestly, she ever really cared for a relationship, finding it pointless at her age to forge such bonds to another being.
     "Class! Before we get started this morning, I'd like to introduce this new student! Alright, come on in, Lucinda."
     Sasha wasn't really paying attention to the teacher. She figured he was just blabbing as usual.
     "Alright, go sit at the empty desk beside Sasha's."
• • •
     'Wait...what?' Sasha thought. 'What is he talking about? Nobody ever sits near me.'
     Sasha was very confused. She simply didn't understand what was happening. She looked around the room for the one the teacher addressed.
     A female approached her, taking a seat at the desk next to hers.
     The girl had long, pink hair that was tied up in pigtails. Her bright eyes were a light blue, reminiscent of ice. Her peachy skin had a warm, healthy glow to it, unlike Sasha's sickly pale tone.
     None of these features were what drew Sasha's attention.
     Sitting atop the girls head, were black cat ears, and out of the corner of her eye, Sasha noticed a tail flicking around cheerfully.
     'She's a CAT?!' Sasha exclaimed.
• • •
     Class followed as usual that morning after all the commotion about Lucinda.
Half asleep, Sasha packed up her things.
"Hi, I'm Lucinda~!" Sasha flinched, startled at the loud voice seemingly addressing her. Reluctantly looking upward at Lucinda, she replied, "Sasha."
"Sasha? That's a nice name~!"
"You think?"
     "Tch. Well I guess Lucinda isn't bad either."
     "Thanks~! Oh, and you can just call me Lucy."
     "Alright, 'Lucy'. See you at lunch, I guess."
Sasha and Lucinda then proceeded to their next classes.
• • •
Lunch had finally rolled around after the morning classes were all finished. The cafeteria was packed with students, waiting to finally sit and enjoy their meals.
Sasha sat alone, eating the rice she cooked herself for lunch. It was too crowded for her liking so she sat outside in the shade of her favorite Cherry Blossom tree in the school yard to enjoy her food.
While she was relaxing, she heard rustling above.
She looked up to find a boy, seemingly around her age, sitting on a branch above her.
The branch didn't seem very stable, and the boy was kinda freaking her out, but Sasha was too exhausted to say anything about it, so she just laid there, trying to relax once more.
She closed her eyes and began to doze off until...
Sasha's eyes jolted open to see that the branch had broken and the boy was about to land on top of her.
She quickly rolled to the side, and the boy landed with a thud on the ground next to her.
Startled, Sasha attempted to help him sit up.
Carefully leaning him against the tree, she looked him over for any obvious signs of injury.
Not finding any, she left him laying there and sat against the opposite side of the tree.
• • •
"U-Um...sorry for nearly landing on top of you...."
Sasha wasn't sure how to respond, so she simply nodded in reply.
"I-I'm Jay....who are you...?"
"My name is Sasha." She said simply.
"Well...I-I outta go..."
Jay then stood up and quickly walked back into the building.
'Finally, I can take a nap.' Sasha thought.
Just as she had gotten comfortable, the bell rang to signify that she was late to class.
Sasha scrambled to grab her things and sprinted into the building, turning corners until she reached her classroom finally.
"Ms.Sasha. You're late."

~Story by Misaki-Chan

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